Get Informed - Maryland Government Overview
Maryland Legislators
Legislator Support is Critical
Contacting your legislators and showing your support is critical to achieving our goal of passing a Convention of States resolution in Maryland.
This won't happen if we don't lobby our legislators to support it. It's as simple as that.
Signing the petition is the first step. Once signed, the petition will be transmitted electronically to all of your representatives in the Maryland General Assembly.
Petitions are great, but they lack a personal touch. Personal notes and calls from constituents have a much greater impact on elected officials.
Anyone can take two minutes to fill out a petition, but they will know you are passionate about it when you call them, meet with them, or send them a personal letter or email.
Contacting your legislators is the single most effective thing you can do!
We highly encourage all supporters of Convention of States to take this critical next step. It's easier than you think. The General Assembly of Maryland website is well configured and has great information on our representatives and what they are working on.
You will find that some legislators are much more responsive than others. Some are very engaged and have staff that are happy to communicate with you, while others may not give you the time of day unless you make donations to their campaign. Just remember that politicians need votes to get elected and the more phone calls and emails they get about an issue, the more they will take notice.
Even if you never actually speak with them, you are still making a difference!
What to Say
Don't feel overwhelmed or nervous about what to say. It's actually very simple. These are the main points to get across:
- You are upset with the federal deficit, corrupt career politicians, and federal overreach.
- You support calling a Convention of States under Article V of the Constitution to propose amendments that would rein in the federal government.
- You would like the legislator to co-sponsor the Convention of States Action resolution.
NOTE: There may be other resolutions calling for a convention of states for other reasons. Be sure to be clear that you are talking about Convention of States Action.
Contact by Email
To find your representatives and write a personal email to all of them at once, click here.
For a listing of representatives by district, click here.
You can message each representative individually by clicking on the arrow in the contact column. If you click on a particular representative, you can find their address and phone numbers as well.
You don't need to say anything fancy. Just tell them you support Convention of States Action, and you would like to see them co-sponsor our resolution. You can email them information as well. We would be happy to help you if you like. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Contact by Phone
Phone calls are even better than emails. The more personal you get, the bigger the impact. Virtually all phone calls will be answered by a staffer or go to voicemail. Remember, Maryland legislators work regular jobs most of the year. Again, just tell them you want to reign in the federal government, and you support Convention of States Action and our resolution.
Handwritten Letters
Nothing makes a bigger impact on a legislator than a handwritten letter. This is a lost art. They recognize the deliberate effort it takes to do this and it really gets their attention. Please, take a few minutes to do this. It really is worth the effort. They are especially meaningful when you are thanking someone who was a co-sponsor in the past. They rarely get thank you notes.
Meet Them in Person
When you contact your legislators, you can request to meet with them or with their staff. It can sometimes be difficult to arrange this because of their schedule. Ask to be placed on their email list and follow them on social media to find out when they will be at public events. Those are the best opportunities to meet them in person.
The general assembly only convenes for 90 days at the beginning of the year. For the rest of the year, our representatives live where we live and usually have other jobs. You do not have to travel to Annapolis to meet them. They live right near you. They are your neighbors!
Build a Relationship with Your Legislator
- Follow and engage with them on social media.
- Get on their mailing list and attend events to meet them in person.
Get to know your local Convention of States Maryland District Captain. They live in your area! He or she would be happy to arrange and accompany you to meet your representatives at their office or an event.