Get Involved - Make it Happen!
Things to Do Now!
For us to be successful in calling a Convention of States, we need to pass our resolution in 34 state legislatures. This will only happen in Maryland if we lobby our legislators, get the word out to our fellow citizens, educate them, and motivate them to also lobby our legislators.
There are a number of things we can all do to contribute to this effort. Here are some easy and impactful things that you can do right now:
- Sign the petition.
Your legislators will be notified that you support a Convention of States. Click on the Take Action link to view and sign the petition. - Share the petition on social media.
Twitter - Create a profile on this website.
Look for the profile link in the upper right hand corner of this page. You can enter and edit your contact information and notification settings here. Also, you'll be able to access the free online courses at Convention of States University through your profile. - Like, follow, and subscribe to Convention of States on social media.
Facebook - National
Facebook - Maryland
Rumble - National
Rumble - Maryland
When you see a post you like, share it! - Email, call, and write a handwritten letter to your legislators.
Check out our Maryland Legislators Page for more information on this. - Get informed.
We have a lot of great resources to help you better understand the Convention of States Action movement and relevant topics.
Check out our Get Informed Page for information on Convention of States and the Maryland government as well as the Resource Page on this site. Our Youtube channel for Introduction to Convention of States is a great place to start as well.
As you can see, there are many things you can do without even moving from the couch!
For information on how to spread the word, check out the next page of our Get Involved Section >>> Spread the Word