Everyone behaves better when they are being watched. And everything works better when watched. It's the muscle behind fairness, accuracy, and transparency.
There are three key roles in the conduct of the election, filled by citizens.
๐ Election Judge
๐ Election Clerk
๐ Poll Watcher
How do I get involved?
Poll Workers
Election Judges and Election Clerks are poll workers responsible for running the election at a polling location. These are paid positions with specific duties.
- Poll workers take the Secretary of State (SoS) Poll Worker training.
- The training mirrors the Handbook for Election Judges and Clerks.
- Search for your county's election department, they will guide you to fill out an application as a Poll Worker or Election Worker. The term used may vary by county, but the key is these are "workers".
- Register as a volunteer with your county party website, indicate you want to work the election.
Poll Watchers
Poll Watchers are unpaid volunteers at a polling location, an early voting ballot board or signature verification committee, or central counting station where voted ballots are tabulated. Poll Watchers observe the voting processes, and talk to the Election Judge if they observe questionable practices or potential election law violations. There are distinct rules around what a Poll Watcher can and cannot do, outlined in the SoS Training and Poll Watcher Guide.
- Poll Watchers take Certification training from the SoS. Print a couple copies of your certificate.
- Poll Watchers must get a Certificate of Appointment from a candidate, political party or specific-purpose political action committee.
- The Poll Watcher must present the SoS Certificate and Certificate of Appointment to the Election Judge at the polling location.
- Note that almost all Poll Watchers are appointed by a political party, and the party may require training in addition to the Certification Training. To go through a political party, you need to go to the party's county web site to register as a volunteer. The party's goal is to have Poll Watchers at every polling location.
- Note also that you need to be persistent. The people at the party doing training and assigning Poll Watchers are also volunteers. So don't expect to send one email and it will all fall into place. Send the email, call, follow-up until you get through training and assignment.
If not us, who?
And if not now, when?
- Ronald Reagan
Eyes on every step of the election process is vitally important. Be persistent, getting trained and assigned is not a "fined tuned machine." If you need help, please contact tom.bartel@cosaction.com for assistance to get you connected so you can volunteer.
The Texas Attorney General has just launched a 2022 general election integrity team. The announcement here lays out some of the election law violations they will pursue. To report any election law violations, email electionintegrity2022@oag.texas.gov.