The Declaration of Independence begins with "We the People". We need YOU to help get our Federal Government under control.
The Convention of States is an effort to use a tool the founders provided in Article V of the U.S. Constitution. It provides a way for "We the People", through our state legislatures, to call for a convention of the states to by-pass Congress and propose amendments that Congress will never do on their own.
The process requires 34 state legislatures to pass the COS resolution. The resolution defines what topics can be discussed at the convention.
19 states have passed this resolution that allows debate on amendments for limiting the terms of office for federal officials, imposing fiscal sanity and restricting the power and scope of the federal government.
There would likely be multiple amendments proposed in each category, and all proposed amendments must then be sent to the states for ratification. 38 states must ratify every proposed amendment before they can become effective.
In North Carolina, HJR 235 passed the North Carolina House in March 2023 and we are now in the Senate. The Senate still has the chance to pass HJR 235 before the end of 2024 and make North Carolina the 20th state to do so. But we need you to act!
What you can do:
- Become educated on the COS effort and sign the petition if you have not done so.
- Consider becoming a volunteer and get engaged. No matter what your skills are or how much time you have, we have a way for you to help!
- Contact your North Carolina legislator, and especially your Senator. Here is a link where you can enter your address and get the contact information for both your NC Representative and Senator. Ask them to support HJR 235 and get it to the Senate floor for a vote before the end of 2024.
Many believe that the election of Donald Trump will solve all our problems. It will not. Electing good people to the federal government is necessary but not sufficient.
Our effort transcends any one president or Congress, but is focused on long-term, structural changes to change the course of history and protect our federal republican form of government. Too much power has flowed to the federal government.
It is time to bring that power back to We the People in the states. You can help!