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Thanks for your interest in joining the Convention of States Action PA Events team! Volunteers like you are the engine that drives the movement forward, and we’re honored to work with such passionate, dedicated American patriots. Tell us about yourself so we can help you make a difference in your children's and grandchildren's futures. Thanks for choosing to help in our effort to restore our Republic. I can assure you, no matter what your interests are, no matter what your skill level is, we will help you find useful and valuable volunteer work for you in COSA.
In this day and age where time is in short supply, one-on-one, face-to-face conversations can majorly quell people's fears, misconceptions, and ultimate understanding of this process. COSA PA needs talented people to support our team and develop strategies to improve the meetings, events, and messages we present to the general public.
Please describe your level of experience and a description of the meeting or event you worked on. If none, describe your interest in learning event coordination from an experienced activist.
Pick the task you are most comfortable performing. If you have no experience, choose the one that interests you most.
Planning an event or meeting
Looking for existing events and registering for COS to have a table.
Working a table at an existing event or meeting welcoming new commers or answering questions about the COS process.
Contacting schools to plan or present a Constitution Day program to our youth.
Please provide your name, what city or town you live in, your phone number and/or email address, and when you are available to discuss the next steps.
Are you sure you don't want emailed updates on our progress and local events? We respect your privacy, but we don't want you to feel left out!