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Words of wisdom from Chuck Colson

Published in Blog on August 01, 2022 by Rob McCarthy

(Excerpts from Chuck Colson's book, “My Final Word.”)

“Just look at the things government does and measure your own satisfaction with them, and measure public attitudes generally, and you will see that people are dissatisfied with very good reason, because the federal government has taken on so much and has become such a leviathan and is so bureaucratically encrusted. The government employees unions have so much power, and the government has just piled program upon program and has become unwieldy and ungovernable.” 

Jesus predicted in the last days...

“Because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.”  – Matthew 24:12

The Judeo Christian principles that our nation was founded on were given by a loving Heavenly Father as boundaries to protect us and to keep us living in that place of freedom and abundant life that Jesus promised (John 8:32 & 10:10). That is why the left is doing everything they can to remove the concept of God from our consciousness and any idea of absolute moral truth so that there will be no moral, spiritual and political accountability.

“Only two things can happen. The government is not going to reform itself. So you have either tyranny or revolution-ultimately. But the process of tyranny will be what Tocqueville predicted it would be-a slow creeping growth of benign despotism. Like a deadly cancer it is now metastasizing, and we’re seeing that happen in our midst.”

“The only thing that could possibly avert it is a powerful spiritual awakening in the country which would lead people to realize that, from a biblical perspective, government has gone far beyond its mandate and has to be reigned in, and eventually will be reigned in because there will be a revolution. But that could be forestalled if there was an absolute earthquake at an election where every incumbent was turned out, and only people promising term limits got elected.”

It’s time for that “spiritual awakening” and “an absolute earthquake at an election” that Mr. Colson spoke of along with a national call for a Convention of States to pass constitutional amendments that will reign in the federal government, which truly has gone far beyond its “original mandate” in spending, overreach and term limits. 

“When you abandon all moral standards you create chaos, and since there are no resources left to combat that chaos, no moral standard you can refer to in order to defend against it, then you go to the government. So what do you get?”

“Moral chaos will lead us to lose our freedom the inevitable consequence of the modern project of complete liberation from all restraints is slavery.”

“But the fact is the people today have no concept of a law beyond the law. It isn’t even on the radar screen. If there is no truth, as we are so often told these days, how could there be? In a morally relativistic era, there’s nothing that kicks in and tells us something is wrong.”

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