Isaiah 5:20-22 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness…who are wise in their own eyes…”
Men are no longer men, women are no longer women and men can have babies too. Parents should have no say in their children’s education. Instead we should let our children be groomed by pedophiles with pornographic material and videos under the guise of “teaching”.
Wide open borders with over two million illegal immigrants pouring into our country per year is secure. The greatest threat to America is climate change. Domestic terrorists are parents concerned about the anti-Christian and anti-American indoctrination of their children in public schools. The greatest insurrection since the Civil War was on January 6, 2021, when people who didn’t believe in the validity of the 2020 elections went to Washington, DC to exercise their constitutional right to protest (since then over 900 patriots have been arrested by the Department of Justice in connection with this incident).
The federal government is going to reduce inflation by spending another $700 billion of tax money they don’t have, to further the goals of the “Green New Deal” while restricting domestic oil and gas leases to the lowest levels in over 80 years. They will hire 87,000 more IRS auditors who will be armed and on call 24/7 to track down more tax evaders (but don’t worry they’re not coming for you it’s just the super rich and big corporations they are after). Don’t forget “come on man China’s not going to eat our lunch!” The lies go on and on…
Joseph Goebble, Hitler’s minister of propaganda said, “If you repeat a lie often enough people will eventually believe it.” To do this the Nazi party took over universities, media and entertainment along with big corporations. This is how Hitler took over Germany (It’s called fascism – what the Republican party is being accused of by the left).
“In the days after the Nazi electoral victories of July 1932, Adolf Hitler informed Joseph Goebbels that he intended to make Goebbels director of a new propaganda ministry when the Nazis took over the reins of national government. Goebbels soon envisioned an empire that would control schools, universities, film, radio, and propaganda. “The national education of the German people,” he wrote, “will be placed in my hands.”” (The Holocaust Encyclopedia)
Sound familiar?
The same thing is happening in America today. Recently the hate-filled rhetoric coming from the mainstream media and the White House has been projecting everything the left has been guilty of on conservative Americans. The talking points are all the same, as if they are all reading from the same script, which they probably are!
The only way to combat a lie is with the absolute truth of God’s word. This is why, in today’s culture war, Christians must be students of the word. “We capture like prisoners of war every faulty pattern of thought that defies Gods authority and insist that it bow in obedience to the anointed one.” 2 Corinthians 10:4.
We must continue to expose these “faulty patterns of thought” with truth and reality and not allow the fear of being “canceled” (or worse) to shut us up. That is what happened in Germany in the 1930s, the church remained silent which paved the way for the take over by Hitler and the Nazi party!
The other way to combat these lies coming at us from the federal government is to enact the safeguard our founding fathers left us in Article V of our Constitution. It gives “We the People” the power to call for a Convention of States through our state legislatures to pass constitutional amendments that will reign in this out of control abuse of authority at the federal level, along with the lack of transparency and outright lying that is being used to cover it up and to justify it!
Sign the petition and join the movement today! Go to Convention of