Sometimes it may seem discouraging trying to build a grassroots team from the ground up. We invite volunteers and petition signers to an in-person meeting only to have one or two people attend. We have all been there!
With our republic on the line, we do not have the luxury of permitting ourselves to become discouraged. We do not have “all the time in the world.”
Keep at it. People WILL COME and will invite others if they are filled with a vision of what they could accomplish together. “Without a vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18).
The Bible may contain a strategic answer to our frustrations building our grassroots teams.
The Apostle Paul would attend the Sabbath meetings at the local city synagogue of the town he was visiting, share the good news of freedom in Christ, and train the new grassroots volunteers to share their message with their friends. These friends would then, in turn, share with their friends, thus enabling the rapid spread of Christianity across the known world. New churches were formed in every city which then birthed new daughter churches in the towns and villages.
What COS needs today is a small handful of “Pauls” to spread our message in the synagogues, the meeting places of the “soil prepared to hear the message.” From there, we develop and train a core group of patriots to build their DC Team within their county (15 miles in every direction). In their normal travels, they will then be able to bring new recruits into their fold for training.
In America, this would mean establishing a beachhead in every rural county seat. Developing a core group of trained grassroots activists (stronghold) who will be able to birth a new group in the next over county seat (foothold). Repeat. This was the church planting strategy of the early church and is still the church planting strategy around the world.
If that strategy was good enough for the Apostle Paul; it is certainly good enough for me!
Will you be the one we need who will shake off the fear and reject discouragement enough to plant a “church” where you are? Will you disciple a group of COS activists who will plant daughter “churches” around your state?
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