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What is fair?

Published in Blog on February 21, 2021 by Harold Brummett

In an old Elvis Presley movie, two young children are instructed to share a candy bar.

One would split the candy bar, and the other would get their choice. The one doing the splitting spent an inordinate amount of time insuring the two pieces were even. It’s just fair.

There is an inherent sense of fairness in people. Fairness seems to be a universal pursuit. Most animals have this trait, as well.

In a 2017 BBC Science report, Matt McGrath discussed an experiment with a pair of wolves. One wolf was given preferential treatment. After seeing their packmate repeatedly treated preferentially, the wolf who was given a lesser value treat eventually quits responding.

In one case, the wolf became so upset that it broke the dispensing apparatus. Dogs have this sense of fairness, as well. Mr. McGrath explained that this fairness trait predates their association with humans. The experiment also revealed that domesticated dogs have become tolerant of unfair treatment. What a sad commentary.

We watch as our judicial system treats one set of people preferentially. This is done blatantly and confidently, knowing the group of people being unfairly treated has no recourse.

Convention of States is the solution. We must reset the machine that is investigating crimes, resolving disputes, and dispensing punishment.

The system is broken. We can repair it using our Article V tool in the Constitution. There may not be a Mason, Washington, Jefferson or Madison living now, but we have the instructions they gave us. This is our "in case of fire break glass" moment. With the guiding words of our Founding Fathers, we can again have justice.

Animals know when they are being treated unfairly. We know. Surely we are as smart as our dogs.

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