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to call for a

Convention of States!


Voting isn’t Working – it’s Time to Change Tactics

Published in Blog on February 23, 2024 by John Green

Over three-quarters of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. As a self-governed republic, it is our duty to fix that. If our government is failing to represent our interests, the job of “realigning” it is ours – and not just on the first Tuesday in November every two years. That’s why grass roots volunteers have come together, seeking to use Article V of the Constitution to place constraints on the federal government.

There are a number of advocacy groups which are ideologically aligned with Convention of States Action, yet are adamantly opposed to its approach. Their members are patriots concerned about our country – and agree with the goals of the Convention of States Action – but believe that a convention would be dangerous to our Constitution. They think exercising a provision of the Constitution, would destroy the Constitution. Many legal scholars have presented rebuttals to their concerns. I’ll cut through the legalese and just ask opponents a couple of simple questions. If you’re concerned about our country, what’s your plan? If your plan is to redirect our government through elections, how’s that working?

Concerned Americans have been attempting to steer our country back on course since the election of Ronald Reagan. After 44 years of demanding change from the voting booth:

  • We have amassed $34 trillion of debt,
  • Our civil liberties are under assault by federal law enforcement, and
  • The Federal government has become the largest employer in the United States.

Albert Einstein had a word for doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result – insanity. That word is probably too harsh. There’s nothing insane about wanting to keep the United States a free and prosperous republic. But the tactics of convention opponents have been disproven by the loss of ground we’ve experienced since the Gipper was elected. Sun Tzu counseled that

Success requires embracing change, constantly reassessing strategies, and adjusting tactics accordingly.

Electing good people to office and hoping for the best, has not been a winning tactic. Convention of States Action believes that it is time to adjust, and re-engage – trying a different approach.

Opponents of a convention revere the Constitution as a sacred pact. We agree that it contains wisdom which is unique to the human pursuit of self-governance. It provides a roadmap to change the behavior of our government. We simply need to follow its guidance – which is provided in the second clause of Article V.

If you would like to be counted among the Idahoans answering the call, visit to see volunteer opportunities.

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Convention of states action

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