"Although the smoke was no longer rising, the smell of burned powder and flesh lingered in the air. As I reached the top of the mountain I could see the extent of the carnage below. Everything looked destroyed. Everything. The entire area was ravaged. Churches, homes, schools, stores and shops were reduced to rubble. If anyone was alive, it would be a miracle.
A gentle desert breeze slightly chilled the air. It felt nice after climbing up the trail to this vantage point with all this gear. It was the first time we had the high ground and climbing all the way up here to get a look was a challenge. After all, we were all just hunkered down during most of the chaos.
Our goal was to get to higher ground to see what was happening around us. We wanted to survey the damage, patrol our immediate area a little and gather as much information as we could. The electrical grid was down for sure. Most of the infrastructure looked destroyed and having clean water would soon be an issue.
Suddenly, there was a noise and everyone in the group turned to look. There was a group of people coming up the trail. It appeared to be two families. There were five adults, two teenagers and three smaller children. They were dressed in plain clothes, covered in ash and dirt. They were not armed. Someone suggested that they should be shot. Since I was in command, any decisions were up to me. Again, the suggestion came that we should dispatch with them because they would know about our presence and location. I gave the order to stand down and to let them pass. I wasn’t about to have innocent blood on my hands. The group posed no threat to us and that’s another reason I gave the order to let them pass freely. We didn’t have much to offer them so I figured we would continue to make observations and depart when ready."
That was one my first dreams about a post apocalyptic future back in 2022. It’s a glimpse of a grim outcome that God showed me about a possible future that could transpire if certain events unfold. I haven't shared that dream with too many people, but I wanted to share it now because I believe certain actions can change the future. It doesn’t have to turn out the way it was depicted in my dream. With the right actions, it could be prevented and we could all live happily ever after.
The Here and the Now
The United States continues to swirl around the drain of insurmountable debt and spending. Access to endless money printing has fueled this cycle, along with endless foreign wars. The country is bankrupt. It’s staring financial ruin and decades of poverty in the eye. Worst of all, U.S. currency is backed by absolutely NOTHING. A financial collapse alone could thrust the country into a post apocalyptic future similar to the one I dreamed about.
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been aware of this issue for some time. If not, then I recommend you start here.
Take a gaze at just how much is owed. Did you see how much there is in unfunded liabilities? Reckless monetary policy and deliberate inaction by Washington tyrants, drunk on power has fueled this problem. It’s going to hurt a lot when the value of the US Dollar hits zero. This could be the single most significant event of our lifetimes. Yet, it is not getting the same attention other issues. Issues such as election integrity, censorship, and climate change have occupied the news cycle more than the national debt. I’m not stating those issues are unimportant. It’s just a fact. Those issue get more attention than they should, and I could write forever about media corruption, but this article isn’t about that. It’s about more than that.
Let me level with you. Things look bad. The deep state is trying to kick off nuclear war or at least, world war three, migration crisis, economic crisis, and more. They’re covertly and overtly attacking citizens in many ways. Election rigging and money printing are really just the tip of the iceberg and while you may think you can do your part to solve this problem by voting on November 5th, you are wrong.
Normally, I would not tell readers that they are wrong, but this is serious, and I don’t believe most people actually understand what is happening or how serious it is.
Politicians in every party promise us all kinds of things. One promises us entitlements to the moon while another promises to drain the swamp. Regardless of your affiliation, the reality is that neither side can deliver long term and few, if any, have real, long lasting solutions. Even a highly skilled team of highly intelligent intellectuals can’t fix or solve all the problems and even if they get things turned around and set on the right trajectory, it can all be undone in another four years by a different administration.
Did you catch that?
All the work and all the effort can be thwarted and undone in another four years. Do you like having to do things twice? Why not just do it right the first time?
So, this is will require more on your part than simply casting a vote. Case in point: Take a look at the Reagan years. Many people look to them as a great time in American history, and to some extent that is true. I grew up in the Reagan era, and I remember that period fondly. I don’t have the same feeling now. Do you? Ask yourself, why aren’t things that great now? What changed? Has the growth of the Federal Government over the past 16 or so years made your life easier or more difficult?
The Assessment
Fortunately, there is a solution. Before I get into it, I must explain something else first. The tyrants we’re facing are playing for keeps. These scumbags use bribery, coercion, blackmail, and murder to get what they want. The amount of power and control they have and desire motivates them. It’s pure vanity, greed, malice, jealousy, and narcissism they hold in their hearts. They manipulate people and groups of people to get what they want, which is always more power and control. Saying it is pure evil is an understatement. They are as rotten as it gets. They look down upon you and me. These tyrannical, close minded, narcissistic, sociopaths envision a future without us. They seek a future where automation and AI have replaced us. That’s their goal. It will take a little longer to get there but they’re patient. They’re in this for the long term. They’re playing the long game.
They’ve damaged the country to it’s core to get to this point. It didn’t happen overnight. It’s taken decades of work to get here but we’re closer than ever to seeing the fall of the Republic. It will vanish forever if they win and our futures as we see them will not transpire.
A Metaphor For Reality
They’ve pretty much murdered Lady Liberty. She’s bleeding out in the street. It’s time to grab the tourniquets from the individual first aid kit and apply them to the limbs. Apply the field dressing. Stop the bleed. Get the chopper here to airlift her to the hospital for emergency surgery to save her life.
Steps We Can Take To Win
Voting in this election is a good first step but there’s more beyond that which needs to be done. Heck, I wish voting would solve all the problems. That would be an easy solution, but that’s not the case.
How many times before have you been told that this election is the most important election of our lifetimes? How many times are you going to fall for those scare tactics? If voting solved most or any of our problems, then why must we keep fixing the same problems every four years?
The truth of the matter is that voting isn’t going to fix our problems.
We can do something noble. We stand at a moment in history where you can choose to do nothing or choose to do something great that future generations of Americans will appreciate and remember.
I’m going to suggest a process that is legal and it can be done without the Federal government to make some changes. The process is simple and safe. The changes are fundamental and simple. The changes are long lasting and strike at the heart of corruption. They threaten the power hungry animals of evil, by imposing limits that take away their power and control. However, the only way they can be implemented is through the process of proposing and ratifying Constitutional Amendments.
Amending the Constitution so that any hideous swamp creature would rebuke is critical. However, to banish these swamp creatures more than one Amendment may be required and their language would need to be crafted so that the Monsters of Washington wouldn't be able to skirt around them. The Constitution explicitly details the procedure, which not only validattes it but also underscores the importance of upholding our democratic principles. Click here to read what Article V of the Constitution says.
For example, to impose fiscal limits on the government, we need to look at the infinite printing of the currency and endless spending. A new Constitutional Amendment requiring the Federal Government to balance its budget or to limit its spending to a percentage of the GDP would effectively limit spending. However, the limitless printing and raiding of the monetary supply would end entirely if the currency was backed again by gold, silver or some other commodity. Requiring the treasury to have tangible reserves that are independently inspected and verified would create and maintain an open and honest monetary policy that would preserve the wealth of the nation and prevent greedy tyrants in government from plundering the treasury.
I believe that two constitutional amendments of this nature would strike at the wallet of the deep state. By implementing these two ideas, the government would suddenly be forced to exist within some fiscal boundaries. It wouldn't grow as quickly. It may even shrink. How many alphabet agencies would be forced to operate on smaller budgets? How would this affect how they operate? By going after the monetary policy through targeted fiscal restraints, we could limit the size and scope of government.
Career politicians wouldn't be able to enrich themselves the same way, either. There would be less pork barrel spending, resulting in less money laundering for bribery, coercion and blackmail in election rigging. A different constitutional amendment imposing term limits and banning lobbying after leaving office for a decade would clean up even more corruption.
These ideas strike at the heart of the matter: the wallet. By hitting them in the wallet, you hit where it counts. Constitutional Amendments are more difficult to pass, but once they are ratified, they take affect right away. They will outlast executive orders and override Congressional Acts. The actual check on Congress, would come from an amendment giving the states veto power over anything passed by Congress. A process for this would have to be outlined in the actual amendment text. For example, following the official process of a bill becoming a law, the States could have 90 days to gather and vote down the law themselves. It's essential to include language that addresses specific topics, such as the potential exemption of certain legislation. This approach can strengthen our position and ensure that important issues are effectively acknowledged. Additionally, the states could convene to formally reject the Congressional Law, requiring the approval of three-fourths of the states to do so.This is just a simple example to illustrate how the process might work.Ultimately, an amendment like this has the potential to give the States the final say over certain matters passed by Congress.
What You Can Do For Your Country
Your country needs you and you want to help. However, you don’t know where to start. First, vote in the election. Voting in this election is a very important stop-gap measure. We must first stop the bleed. So go vote. It is your duty as a citizen.
Second, I recommend shifting your focus to post-election action, which is to say, find others like you. One unique organization with a team of grassroots volunteers already exists I will name the organization a little later in this article. Let me tell you about this group first.
These people want to save the country, peacefully. They don’t want the future that was presented to me in a dream. Instead, these people simply want to live the American Dream and live happily ever after. Don’t you? Ideally, that’s the goal, right? The other people in the organization come from all walks of life. They are family-oriented people. Moms, dads, grandparents, brothers and sisters and so on, make up the organization. They are faithful. They love this country and they are patriots.
I happen to be a volunteer for this group and yes, I’m an idealist. I’m also a faithful person. I believe in God and with God, all things are possible. So, I believe this ideal can be achieved. I’d prefer to achieve it with you. Yes. You. I know I can’t do this alone. I believe in myself, but I also believe that people like us can make a difference together. That’s why I need your help. Will you join me so we can take out the deep state ourselves by using constitutional amendments and keep future generations of Americans out of slavery and servitude?
National Call To Action - Urgent
The organization is called the Convention of States Project. Have you heard of it before? There is a dedicated group of volunteers in every state. The teams in each state work individually to empower the people in their state to wield their power and authority under the sovereign powers of States’ Rights, but they also work with teams in other states for the overall stated goals of the organization. The overall goals of the organization is to:
- Call A Convention of States to: Impose Federal Term Limits, Limit the Size and Scope of The Federal Government and to Impose Fiscal Restraints on The Federal Government
- Grow an Informed, Grassroots Body of Citizens who will engage with and hold accountable their Federal, State and locally elected officials.
I have paraphrased from memory what those goals are and I would add, simply, that service to God, family, and community are qualities I have witnessed within the organization. The bottom line though, is that this organization exists for us. It exists for you. It exists for me and I humbly ask for your help. I humbly ask for you to join me in this fight and all it takes is to go to Convention Of States. Don’t just sign the petition. Join the team. Join me.
There’s a reason why I am asking this of you. The reason is, that I know in my heart and in my soul, that God put me here at this moment for a purpose. He put me here to do good. He put me here to inspire hope. He knows that I am pure as the wind-driven snow in my motivation. I also truly believe that this is our BEST hope to improve our condition and that without it, we cannot say we did our best. If we don’t try this, we can’t tell future Americans that we did everything possible to improve our situation. We must join if we’re to succeed. The duty is ours to try. The results be to God.