Dismantle or Disavow the Gestapo
It’s time to deconstruct the federal police state!
By Brian Harris
In April, I wrote about the police state problem in America and highlighted two recent examples of FBI malfeasance. They were the recent Michigan Governor Whitmer FBI entrapment operation and FBI Executive Assistant Director Jill Sanborn’s refusal, during Senate Judiciary Committee testimony, to answer any questions regarding the presence of FBI confidential informants in the crowd on January 6th.
Earlier this month, I wrote about the FBI raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. The common thread should be obvious. The FBI is out of control, as is most of the federal law enforcement and our intelligence apparatus. Consider the ATF’s dealings at The Branch Davidian compound in Waco or their Fast and Furious gun-walking operation. Consider the DEA and their “war on drugs.” A total farce. These agencies have become politicized and weaponized, and it seems the American people are their targets.
The American public should be alarmed by an FBI that employs over 33,000 people and an IRS that is augmenting its force with 87,000 new agents with deadly force authorization. Federal law enforcement agencies belong to the federal government’s executive branch, meaning they work for the President. However, presidents come and go, as do their appointed agency heads. What is left behind is a permanent bureaucratic establishment that operates in the best interests of itself, which include maintaining and increasing its power.
We must remember that our Constitution lists only four crimes, piracy, counterfeiting, offenses against the law of nations, and treason. Today there are over 4,500 federal crimes and a myriad of additional criminal federal regulations. The framers of our Constitution intended for the federal government to be limited in size, scope, and reach. Law enforcement was to be the purview of the state and local governments.
There are two remedies to deal with the police state problem. We can dismantle the federal law enforcement apparatus, but this requires a Congress with the fortitude to act. Unfortunately, this is not realistic based on previous performance and the reality that many are compromised or blackmailed by the bureaucratic deep state elements they would be trying to dismantle.
As I have outlined previously, the United States Marshal Service, created by George Washington, is all we need for federal law enforcement. The Marshal Service can apprehend and transport federal fugitives and prisoners, protect the President, gather intelligence, and it can investigate the four crimes listed in the Constitution.
The remedy that seems possible is disavowal. Simply put, states need to assert their sovereignty and stand on constitutional principles, codified in the 10th Amendment, that federal enforcement authority is limited to activity on federal property.
States could enact a law such as this:
The Federal Law Enforcement Jurisdiction
An Act
Relating to the jurisdictional limitations of federal law enforcement activities within the State of Tennessee.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee:
Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution limits the jurisdiction of federal law enforcement and related activities to federally owned property.
The constitutionally elected County Sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer within the State of Tennessee according to Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 8, Chapter 8.
Any federal law enforcement operations, including, but not limited to, service of warrants, arrest, and investigation to be conducted within the State of Tennessee, must first be approved in writing by the Sheriff of the county in which the federal law enforcement activity is to take place.
Violation of this act constitutes a Class E Felony.
In the meantime, “We the People” can take action to protect our freedoms and liberties by supporting the Convention of States Action (COSA) movement. Dismantling or disavowing the federal police state aligns with the three pillars of COSA; imposing fiscal restraint, implementing term limits for all federal office holders and agents, and limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
It’s up to Him and You and Me
By Joe Sheeley
When some think about the struggle against tyranny, they picture armed resistance and even another civil war. Indeed, in many places where tyranny has a tight grip, such as China and Venezuela, that might be what would be needed to remove the communist government and bring about freedom. Luckily, in the United States, we can prevent tyranny without physical force due to protections placed within our Constitution. There are other tools we can use to reduce the grip of government and bring America back to the limited government, personal responsibility, and individual freedom this nation was designed to be at her founding.
One tool we have in our belt is the focus of the Convention of States: An Article V Convention, where representatives from the states propose and pass new resolutions that limit government. These would be things like term limits, restrictions on taxation and regulation, and reinforcing rights already listed in the Bill of Rights but that have been whittled away over the years by the Supreme Court and inaction by the citizens to preserve them. Long-term, this is needed, which is why we work every day to get enough states to pass an amendment-generating convention.
But what if tyranny comes too quickly? What if the President decides to use the next terrorist attack to round up individuals from the opposing party or to begin seizing firearms? What if another disease is used as an excuse to cancel church services and gatherings under a health department order? What if the Left is successful in efforts to label Donald Trump supporters as domestic terrorists and begins rounding people up? What if the government again decides to close down businesses in the name of public health and safety? Certainly, such actions could be challenged in courts, and those being abused would eventually prevail, but that could take years and millions of dollars. Even after such a court victory, what would stop such a President from ignoring the court ruling and performing the same actions again if the same party also controlled Congress and he were therefore immune to impeachment?
The answer lies in the song, The Universal Soldier. This is an anti-war anthem written in the 1960s by Canadian Buffy Sainte-Marie, where the point is made that while tyrants and megalomaniacs who want to take over the world will always be with us, without people to support them and carry out their orders, they are powerless. If we want to put an end to tyranny or prevent it from taking grip in the first place, the easiest and least painful way is to convince those who would carry out the orders to impose tyranny not to follow those illegal orders. As the song says, “It’s up to him and you and me.”
While tyrants can be overthrown by force after considerable death and destruction, where a lot of innocent people are killed, and the tyrants escape to other countries, we can avoid this if we never allow the tyrant to have the power to act in the first place. Suppose we can get those who would enforce the illegal decrees – the police, the FBI, the military – to follow the Constitution and refuse to do anything that violates the Bill of Rights. In that case, we can avoid tyranny while also avoiding a bloody civil war. Just as science fiction stories give robots and androids a “prime directive” to protect humans, it must be ingrained in our enforcement officials that the Constitution stands above any law or decree, regardless of the circumstance.
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Convention of States – a Labor of Love
By Jim MacDonald
It’s hard to believe that the year of our Lord, 2022, is coming to a close very quickly. Labor Day marks the unofficial end of our summer and the beginning of the new football season!
As exciting as a new football season is, unfortunately, it generally means that the pool closes, the weather begins to change, and the children are back to school.
With that said, what was the actual purpose of the Labor Day holiday?
During the late 1800s, many states started celebrating the contributions and achievements of the American Workers. By 1894, the federal government officially made it a national holiday. We’ve celebrated Labor Day on the first Monday in September ever since!
God intended for us to work the land.
“Six days you shall labor and do all your work.” –Exodus 20:9
“Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor.” –Proverbs 12:24
We live in the greatest nation in the history of the world! Working should never be taken for granted and with disdain. Under the American free enterprise system, we can move along and do something different if we don’t like the labor we are performing.
This has not always been the case. For example, the king controlled your labor under an authoritarian government in nations past. Today, the free enterprise system in America has created countless labor opportunities.
“But the Egyptians mistreated us and made us suffer, subjecting us to harsh labor.”—Deuteronomy 26:6
“So he subjected them to bitter labor; they stumbled, and there was no one to help.”—Psalms 107:12
As we roll into Labor Day weekend, be ever so grateful for your career, the people you work with, and the opportunities you have. Be thankful that we aren’t subjected to harsh labor by force.
During the early 1600s to late 1700s, our Founders and Forefathers labored to establish this land we love. When the Revolutionary War ensued, the Framers dedicated their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to each other. Their faith, love for God, and unity strengthened their resolve to accomplish the impossible.
Today, we face a greater foe—a spiritual battle from within. Unfortunately, immorality, complacency, and godlessness prevail in the hearts and minds of too many Americans. Without God, there is no moral compass. Truth, integrity, and facts are of little use to their consciousness.
Our country’s moral decline has permitted the election of degenerates who seek to rule over the people as in empires past.
Is there a solution as big as the problems we face?
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”—Matthew 19:26
With God, there is always hope, but it will take work on our part. First, American-loving patriots must kneel and pray for a spiritual revival. Then, we need God to open the hearts and minds of the people to receive and understand the truth.
Second, we must read, study and know the U.S. Constitution. Become a coach with Patriot Academy and teach others about our founding documents.
And finally, become a Convention of States ACTIVE volunteer. The Founders knew that we would come close to losing our republic. This is why they modified Article V of the Constitution to allow the people an opportunity to clean up the mess and put our corrupt government back in the box.
Now, more than ever, we need the contributions and achievements of the American Workers to find a labor of love in the three steps outlined above. Should we not take up this mission, we will never be celebrating our labor again.
We must have “diligent hands” in our effort to save America.
“You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. –Psalms 128:2
Impacting the Next Generation of Leadership
By Jim MacDonald
On July 4, 1776, fifty-five men signed the Declaration of Independence, establishing the official beginning of the United States of America—committing their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to each other. While the common perception is these were a group of old white men, the truth is that they were men of all ages.
Benjamin Franklin was 70, Roger Sherman was 55, and Samuel Adams was 53. Many young men like Edward Rutledge and Thomas Lynch, Jr. were 26, George Walton was 27, Benjamin Rush was 30, Elbridge Gerry was 31, and Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Stone were 33, to name a few.
Each of these men was raised, being civic-minded. They understood freedom, liberty, and patriotism at a young age. As a result, they were ready and willing to sign the Declaration of Independence, knowing they would sacrifice their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.
So it should be no surprise when Patriot Academy calls upon young patriots from 16-25 to meet in Austin, Texas, for a week-long intense training at the Patriot Academy Leadership Congress.
This world-class leadership training specializes in applied civics with a Biblical, historical, and Constitutional Foundation. Patriot Academy students develop leadership skills emphasizing character, courage, life purpose, and personal skills underpinned by a founding fathers’ philosophy of governance.
Also invited were Military veterans and Constitution Coaches to participate after being vetted for the roles. Carl Kingdon, Jr, a Tennessee Regional Captain and 20-year Coast Guard veteran, was selected and attended the Leadership Congress held August 2 through 6 this year.
Carl describes the Leadership Congress’ impact on him by quoting a guest speaker: “Patriot Academy provided a life-changing civics class that meets revival.” Carl continued: “There is not a history book in this nation that will teach what you will learn with Patriot Academy.”
Carl stated: “This Leadership Congress is a great opportunity for kids to receive their first start into great leadership for the nation that is Biblically sound, morally straight, and civically minded.”
He said, “No matter what the students choose to do in life, they will have a stronger understanding of being a Biblical citizen.”
One of the notable guest speakers was David Barton. A quote that resonated with Carl was: “of all the problems we have as a nation, there was a pole take about the decline in adult readership of the Bible. Between 2021-2022 Bible readership is down by 39%, or 26 million fewer people are reading the Bible.
David recommended that everyone who reads the Bible double up on their reading. The people who don’t read–must start. Also, memorize one scripture per week. “This will help you work Biblical truths into your everyday conversations.”
Carl was so excited about this conference that the 300-word essay for each of two questions, the thirteen-hour drive from Paris, TN to Austin, Texas, and the work preparing a bill to present to the committee could not keep him from attending the Leadership Congress again next year.
In addition, Carl has committed to sponsoring a student each year until his children are old enough to attend.
Patriot Academy ignites a freedom revolution in a new generation of Patriot leaders.
Tennessee on the Move...
Maryville Patriots on a Block Walk
Tullahoma Patriots on a Block Walk
Patriots from Maryville
Patriots from Powell Station Celebration
Patriots from Sevierville
Patriots from Tullahoma
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Chattanooga, TN. Friday, September 16th, 6:00 till 8:00 p.m. Patriot Potluck at Apison Baptist Church 11127 Old E. Brainerd Rd, Apison, Dean McGhan
Gallatin, TN. Saturday, September 24th, at the Gallatin Public Library, 123 East Main St. Gallatin, from 9:30 till 11:00 p.m. Contact: Debbie at debbie.macdonald@cosaction.com
Greenville, TN. Saturday, September 17, at 8:00 a.m. Andrew Johnson Homestead for the reading of the Constitution, Doug Gibson
Jamestown, TN. Saturday, September 10th, 9:30 till 11:00 a.m., at Fentress County Courthouse, 101 N. Main St., Jamestown, TN 38556 Larry Wilke
Knoxville, TN. Saturday, September 10th, 12:00 till 1:00 p.m .at Shoney’s Restaurant in Powell, TN
Loudon, TN. 1st Wednesday of every month at the Tellico Village Rec Center, Room D at 1 p.m. till 2 p.m. at 145 Awohili Dr. - Call Terri Hult for more information: 865-304-6997
Maryville, TN. Monday, September 26th, at the TYS Airfield VFW in Louisville, TN, starting at 6 p.m.
Powell, TN. Saturday, Sept 10th, 12:00 till 1:00 p.m. at Shoney’s on Emory Road, Powell, or the second Saturday of each month, Ann and Doug
Shelbyville, TN. Saturday, September 17th, at 10:00 till 12:00 pm at Shelbyville-Bedford County Library, 220 South Jefferson St., Shelbyville, TN 37160
Soddy-Daisy, TN. Friday, September 23rd, from 5:30 till 7:00 p.m. at Rechoboth Baptist Church, 12622 Dayton Pike, 4th Friday of each month, Jay Walling
Springfield, TN. Tuesday, September 20, through Saturday, September 24. At the Robertson County Fair, Hours of operation: Tue-Thurs 5 p.m. - 10 p.m.; Fri 5 p.m - 11 p.m.; Sat 3 p.m. - 11 p.m. Lydia Johnson
Tullahoma, TN. Saturday, September 17th, at 10:00 till 12:00 p.m. at 405 Timberlane Ave., Tullahoma, Block Walking event - Tony Celiberti
Join Mark Meckler for the BattleCry every Sunday night at 8:00 p.m. EST on Facebook and Rumble.
For the most up-to-date schedule, visit the Tennessee COS Facebook page. Convention of States Tennessee