When I first joined COS, I had the privilege of mentoring under the great Bud “Gunny” Cornwell, retired — but, at heart, lifelong — United States Marine. For nine months, he showed me the ropes and what it means to love one’s country. I eventually moved on from Bud’s department, but the lessons he taught me stayed with me.
Today, I spend most of my time among very patriotic people. But Mr. Cornwell still may take the cake. He risked his life for this country, and now, he continues to fight for freedom in a new theater of war: the Article V frontier.
But what makes Bud exceptional is how he loves his country. Bud’s patriotism is unique. Unlike others, he does not merely talk about how much he loves this country. He proves it. Every day of his life, he shows it. He demonstrates his love by self-sacrificial service — by pouring himself out for the great American cause.
Bud represents a rare but vital class of Americans: the hero class. These are the men and women without whom we would fall prey to tyranny. It’s a sobering reminder that behind every blessing we enjoy in this country stands an army of brave souls, living, lost, and fallen, who stared down America’s enemies on our behalf. We owe them more than just our gratitude. We owe them, as President Lincoln suggested, “increased devotion” to the cause for which they fought.
WATCH: A Veterans Day conversation with the Gunny
It’s time we all took a cue from Bud. It’s not enough to just talk about how much we love this country or are grateful for her veterans; it’s time to do something about it. The question confronting America today is not, Will you shake a veteran’s hand and thank him for his service this Veteran’s Day? (Although you should do that, too!) The real question is, What will you do about the liberty he fought to preserve for you?
Bud Cornwell wears many hats: former COS state director, COS Technology Service Manager, and host of “The Patriot Cause,” to name a few! But he does it all for one simple reason: because he took an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
That oath, as Bud will tell you, never expires. As long as America still draws breath, he and his fellow heroes will never back down or abandon their posts.
To celebrate the Marine Corps’ 249th birthday on November 10 and Veterans Day on November 11, I sat down with the Gunny to discuss his time in the military. Enjoy our wide-ranging conversation below.
Veterans Day and Marine Corps Birthday with the Gunny
Published in Blog on November 08, 2024 by Jakob Fay