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Convention of States!

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COSA PA is moving forward with building partnerships with Veterans.

Published in Coalitions Blog on August 10, 2023 by Eric Goucher

In this day and age where the federal government is exerting unregulated power and control, many new and existing patriotic groups are looking to network with like-minded people and devise strategies to find solutions to restoring the written Constitution's checks and balances.

COSA has grown from an idea held by Michael Farris to an army of over 5.5 million supporters through hard work by dedicated volunteers making person-to-person engagement. Our organization has been lied about by elitists, censored by big tech, and ignored by the Mainstream Media since our inception in 2013.

Now is the time to step on the gas!

COSA PA's volunteers are actively seeking partners to share our solution - There is a solution as Big as the Problem. The more we network, the faster we grow, and generate the tidal wave of moral support we will need to accomplish our mission.

On August 7, Veteran and Military Organization Coalition Lead Eric Goucher was pleased to speak with James "Woody" Hogan, Department of Pennsylvania Adjutant for the American Legion. The purpose of the discussion was to provide an overview of the Convention of States' mission and to inquire about the process for introducing a Resolution to Department leadership for a vote on potential endorsement of COS.

Adjutant Hogan provided a Resolution writing guide to ensure a Legion-approved template and explained the Resolution would have to be passed first at Mr. Goucher's Post, then passed on to the District Commander. Assuming success, the Resolution would then be presented to state leadership for a vote at the next Legion convention.

A Resolution is now in the draft process.  The expectation is for a final draft to be presented to Post 512 leadership at the September officers' meeting.

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