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Mockingbirds' Battle From Free Speech Flails

Published in Blog on April 28, 2022 by Andrew Potts

Elon Musk has been making news these last few weeks in his bid to buy a controlling share of the social media giant Twitter. On the surface, this should be a relatively benign move for Musk since he offered a competitive price for the lagging social media company. Most of us remember when Billionaire Jeff Bezos was hailed as a savior of a faltering newspaper when he purchased The Washington Post in 2013.

Fast forward to 2022 and a lot has changed. The Washington Post tows the line for the Mockingbird Media under the banner of “Democracy Dies in Darkness”, meanwhile Elon Musk is touting ‘free speech’. The mockingbirds chirp, “Free speech is dangerous to our democracy”:

In straight reporting, from Axios to The New York Times, the “untethered” freedom to speak is now characterized as a radical position. In the pages of The Washington Post, there was a call for direct government intervention in our speech platforms.

Mike Solana, Substack

There is an established narrative and if you go against this narrative then you are a/an _________ (fill in the blank with the appropriate derogatory “ist”). The art of debate has been lost on these social media platforms because the woke narrative cannot be debated so retaliation against dissent must be swift and harsh.

How have we gone from a First Amendment boasting, free-thinking American citizenry to having what we must think force fed into our minds by media mockingbirds? Americans – under the First Amendment - should be able to engage in discourse in a public forum but these social media tyrants have turned their platforms into giant echo chambers for woke politics while doing their best to defy the age-old adage: get woke, go broke.

Americans waking up to the rampant censorship in our country have been looking for alternative sites to get their message across with mixed results. Of course, none of these sites provides the reach of a Twitter platform. It has been disheartening. We’ve trudged along steadily but the American Spirit is strong and optimistic. 

Then, as if a gift from above, Elon Musk stepped in to purchase Twitter and turn it back into the First Amendment inspired town-square platform it was always meant to be from the start. 

Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.

Elon Musk

This did not go well in some sectors of our society – least of all the mockingbird media. There has been nearly non-stop coverage of how this sale of Twitter will "destroy our democracy"

Democracy is a term almost always used by the mockingbirds to describe the United States rather than what our country truly is: a Constitutional Republic. There is quite a difference between these two terms used – for instance, North Korea claims to be a democracy.

This brings me to the brilliant insight of Convention of States Action (COSA). We realized this country was spiraling out of control throughout our federal government. We saw Article V of the Constitution as the way our Founding Fathers gave us – the American people – the tool to limit an out of control federal government and keep it in check. Please help COSA in this effort to take back our country. Keep the First Amendment alive and well. Show America (and the world) that We the People are in charge of our federal government and We demand that it  operate in our best interest.

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