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Top American universities received millions from Palestine, partnered with Hamas-affiliated groups

Published in Blog on May 16, 2024 by Jakob Fay

As radicals on college campuses vandalize our cherished American institutions and heritage—alongside the less revered “prestigious” schools themselves—our nation is confronted with a long-overdue educational awakening, exposing the radical agendas driving our current political climate. Recent reports, for example, suggest that certain universities involved in anti-Israel protests may have received financial support from the “State of Palestine.”

Although Palestine is not recognized by the U.S. Department of State as an independent nation, this shadowy entity—most likely the Palestinian Authority—has contributed nearly ten million dollars to top American schools over the past ten years, according to Open the Books. Most of these schools appear to have used the funds to promote “Middle East Studies” with a clear pro-Palestine bias. Brown University, for example, hired an anti-Israel professor, Beshara Doumani, who simultaneously taught at Birzeit University, a Hamas-affiliated school in the West Bank. Last May, Reuters reported that Birzeit elected more than two dozen Hamas students to its student council, securing a majority of the school’s 51 seats for the terrorist group.

“2023 will be recorded historically as the year that Palestinians stood boldly in the face of colonial fascism and screamed in defense of their homes, humanity, and lives,” declared Birzeit in a statement five days after the brutal Hamas terrorist attacks of October 7. “Zionism, the settler state, and the entire colonial system that is a product of this fascist ideology can no longer falsely hide beneath the cloak of humanism…. It is our duty to record this moment not as its victims but as the people who will remember, record, survive, and resist it.”

Harvard, which also received funds from the tenebrous “State of Palestine,” appears to have partnered with Birzeit University to develop a program “that utilizes a decolonial framework” to “dismantle power dynamics and structures” that negatively impact the “Global South.”

Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and Founder of Open the Books, pointed out that the money behind these disturbing programs stems from the same “State of Palestine” that rewards the families of “martyrs” who die committing jihad against Israel, a policy known as the pay for slay practice.

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“Recently we told you that Palestinian Authority law requires the Oct. 7 terrorists to be compensated financially for a massacre well done,” the Wall Street Journal
reported, noting “that the most gruesome crimes yield the biggest payments. This practice has helped earn the program its ‘pay for slay’ moniker,” the newspaper added.

“American universities taking six-figure foreign funding from an area of the world dominated by terrorists raises all kinds of questions,” quipped Andrzejewski.

Amidst these troubling reports, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas called upon federal authorities to investigate the foreign interests behind the “radical ideologies” imperiling “critical infrastructure and campuses,” which he suggested may be a deliberate bid to undermine the United States.

“The Department of Justice should be investigating this,” Cruz urged. “The FBI should be investigating this. We’ve got money coming from communist China behind these protests, behind these anti-American, anti-Israel protests. We’ve got money coming from organizations that have close ties to designated terrorist organizations. And so, whether it is Hamas and Hezbollah pushing this, whether it is affiliated allies of theirs pushing this, whether it is Iran pushing this, or whether it’s Communist China pushing this, the FBI ought to be all over it.”

Indeed, the American populace must remain vigilant about who gains access to our classrooms. Many of our “top” schools have become hotbeds of radicalism and vicious anti-Americanism—promulgated by our professors and global adversaries alike. Parents, in particular, should be wary of the individuals entrusted with their children’s education.

Just as the Founders dared to push back against Great Britain when the King attacked their right to govern themselves, we must be willing to resist our enemies who seek to control us from overseas.

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