Yes! It is an American issue, not a partisan issue; extraordinary national debt, career politicians ensconced in their positions with the help of big donors, a bloated federal government intent on handing down policy matters to states.
To resolve situations like we face today, the founding fathers were wise to include a mechanism enabling states to convene a convention for amending the Constitution. This mechanism can be found in Article V of the Constitution.
Hence, the formation of an American, grassroots non-partisan organization: The Convention of States Action organization. The goal of the Convention Of States Action organization is to follow that mechanism and convene an Article V Convention to develop proposed amendments for Term Limits on Federal Officials, Fiscal Restraints, and Limit the Overreach of the Federal Government.
Our nation needs to have an Article V Convention as soon as possible to secure our constitutional freedoms, promote more diverse representation in government, protect the poor and elderly from the ravages of inflation, provide relief to our youth from the national debt, and allow grass root organizations to have more influence in government. 19 States have passed a resolution in support of a Convention of the States to address only these issues, and more are on the way,
It’s time to get behind the Convention of States. Visit the Convention of States website to learn more.
Get involved, make a difference, and join the Convention of States.