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There is no taxpayer money

Published in Blog on May 25, 2020 by Paul Fountaine

There is no taxpayer money. All of this extraordinary spending is 100% new debt, created out of thin air.

Sadly, since 1985 when we hit $1 trillion in debt for the first time, the federal government--under the management of both Republicans and Democrats--has not paid a single dollar of debt reduction.

All they have paid for 35 years is interest payments.

In 2018 $389 billion in taxpayer dollars went toward paying the interest on government debt. That is about $1,100 for every single American, whether they be one month old or 100 years old. 

California (a state with 40 million U.S. citizens, who produce 12% of the nation's gross domestic product) has a budget of just over $200 billion to pay for everything, including wasteful programs. They ran a surplus last year.

The federal government? They ran a $1 trillion deficit, as they have for the past nine years. This year? The deficit is $4 trillion and counting. Our interest payments will now surpass every other nation's annual budget, save for maybe a handful.

It is immoral and irresponsible, and there is no chance of changing this short of a Convention of States.

Without an Article V convention to address the excessive power grab, the decades-long historical overspending, and the corporatizing of Congress, taxpayers have zero control over government spending. None, zilch, zero, nada.

Oh, we hear around every election cycle “take back our country" or “vote them all out.” That has only prolonged this mess.

There is no fixing a political body that horse-trades a trillion-dollar annual deficit.

The two political parties are largely under the management of cronyism. The influence of legal and illegal money passing from the uber-wealthy to the political class is both known and ignored.

Meanwhile, the unelected rogue class holds vast power over us.  

Without an Article V Convention of States to return this republic to its defined purposes, our representatives will only continue the madness of deficit spending.

We simply can no longer afford to cash the checks our body of politicians is writing.

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