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Convention of States!


The “Weaponization” of our government is why we need an Article V Convention!

Published in Blog on July 02, 2024 by Ruth Hoskins SEPA RC

Read on if you are worried about government overreach and where it will lead us.

We hear the word weaponization quite often these days. It is usually said when discussing the DOJ; for example, they don’t respond or show up for the hearing when served a subpoena. The two-tier justice system was created to attack anyone who dared stand up to tyranny.

Although the meaning of the word “weaponization” is obvious, I looked it up in the dictionary; one of the definitions is - the mounting of an explosive device or a missile to act as a delivery system.

In this context, "Weaponization" means their delivery system is aimed at people- the American people.

As a psychotherapist for four decades, I have listened to client stories about unfairness against minorities, the impoverished, and people of color. Clients tell me they were “railroaded” by the Judicial system and sent to jail unjustly.

But starting in 2019-2020, the term "Weaponization" of government resources against people became real. This electric shock jolted me awake, shocking me out of my naivete into the awareness that something was wrong with our government and justice system.

The government has been weaponized against the American citizen.

In our constitutional republican system of government, it is the duty of the majority to protect the rights of the minority. 

At this point, I knew I needed to learn more about how our Constitution and government should work.

What could I do to help my country remain free?

I woke up from my unsuspecting, unworldly views, formerly believing that the majority of government leaders were not corrupt and would not create false narratives to influence the citizens, persecute or weaponize against people who had different beliefs, whether it be about health, education, or finances or telling us how we should live our lives.

I searched for an organization that would educate me about the Constitution and the proper role of government; I found Convention of States Action.

During my search, I saw the statement made by Lord John Acton in 1887.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

This is clearly what is happening to our government and leaders.

What was said in 1887 and throughout history can easily be applied today in 2024. The “weaponization” of government may be directed at any one of us if we disagree with a government narrative.

After being prodded awake, a slow process, I signed up to volunteer for Convention of States Action, immediately jumping into the volunteer position of District Captain and, ultimately, Regional Captain for Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Since then, I have thanked God that the Framers of our Constitution had the foresight to write a little-known clause in Article V: state legislatures may apply to call a convention of states to propose amendments to the Constitution that would place limits on this 'Weaponized' government. The primary educational mission of Convention of States Action is to wake up everyone else.

When 34 states agree, an Article V convention must be called. It was first proposed by George Mason and unanimously agreed upon by everyone attending the 1787 Philadelphia Convention during the final few days of the convention.

Can you imagine - unanimous agreement?

Article V gives the voice and power back to “We the People” to restrain government.

It asks us to stand up and wake up our Representatives by asking them to support the call for an Article V convention to debate proposed amendments limited to term limits, fiscal responsibility, and accountability, reigning in big government overreach.

After that, and it is essential to anchor in one’s thought processes, 38 states must ratify the proposed amendments for them to take effect.

That’s a high bar of agreement. It keeps the process safe and on track.

Article V gives power back to “We the People” to help contain what is happening now and why the American Revolution was fought—“Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.”

Like our Founding Fathers, we will always have to be on guard to reign in our human tendency to hold on to power when serving in positions of authority. We must turn towards God for direction, insight, and guidance and listen for answers that keep us humble and protect and preserve our Constitution. Thankfully, we will always have Article V in the Constitution to help.

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