As series premieres go, it would be difficult to top the debut of "The Story of..." series written and produced by COS national staff writer Jakob Fay.
"The Story of...West Virginia" aired on December 12. In merely a shade over nine minutes, Jake explained the COS grassroots effort and the Article V process, provided appropriate context, and how the work of the grassroots truly pays off.
The cinematic shots of the Mountain State, footage from the West Virginia legislature, a clip of COSA president Mark Meckler on The Mark Levin Show, and the stories and interviews of how the West Virginia labored for years to see the COS resolution get through both houses of the state legislature within a single hour make for truly compelling content.
Well, see for yourself...
The amount of work that it took to put all of this together, make it entertaining, edifying, and easy to watch is remarkable in and of itself. But to do it so brilliantly is another thing altogether -- and it parallels the work of the West Virginia grassroots.
As Jake said about putting the first installment of the series together:
"It was fascinating! Delving into the archives, watching the legislative debates, poring over old interviews, and speaking with leaders familiar with the matter opened my eyes to a thrilling story of relentless grassroots determination and grit. Now, I hope I can convey that narrative to the viewers."
Mission accomplished and stay tuned.