Safe behind the massive walls, reinforced by rock and wood, guarded by archers wielding arrows of fire, the Trojans had fought off the Greeks for ten years. Seemingly an impossible feat, the Greeks never wavered from their mission. For ten years, Greeks would attempt to breach, only to be sent back running to the shore.
Each unsuccessful breach empowered the Greek soldiers to try harder. As more boats came from Greece and more soldiers camped on the beach, the city of Troy remained unfazed. The town was safe, the people of Troy thought. After all, the Greeks had not been able to breach the walls in ten years.
However, the Greeks had something the people of Troy did not – tenacity and grit. No matter how long it took, how many soldiers it cost them, and how much money they spent – the Greeks knew they would eventually get through those massive gates – come hell or high water.
Sound familiar? Today's progressives are the same.
Time continued to pass until one day, the Greeks vanished, much to the surprise of the Trojans. They retreated, leaving nothing but a giant wooden horse behind. The celebration ensued, the Greeks were gone, and Troy was finally free of the turbulent wartimes. The second they let their guard down and believed they had won, Greeks waited until nightfall, snuck out from the horse, opened the gates, and destroyed everything that was once a beautiful place. Women were raped, children were enslaved, and men were murdered.
History repeats itself- and we’re currently living through a modern, American version of the Trojan war.
Innocently enjoying the week of Christmas, celebrating friends, family, and football teams, Americans are paying no attention to the big Trojan horse flying through Congress. Furthermore, many have begun to rest easier knowing Americans cast their votes, and a new House of Representatives awaits to start protecting American priorities.
America’s eyes are off the ball, which is exactly how it starts.
Much like the city of Troy, America’s walls have been under attack for many years. Woke ideologues and Marxists have tried numerous times to breach the walls of American democracy and burn down the structure that has held this country together for over 400 years.
For decades progressives have invaded our schools, our media, many of our politicians, and governmental agencies. However, these progressive Marxists have not been able to breach the American family, the American neighborhoods, and the American dream.
As horrific as what we've already seen from the progressive left, this is only a tiny fraction of their Marxist agenda. What we’re witnessing today is merely a sneak peek at what is to come should our walls be breached, and the cracks in the walls are starting to show.
This is the closest the woke, Marxist, liberal ideologues have been to entering the American family and communities, and it’s happening from the inside out, led by those elected by the American people.
American patriots around the country are working to block the penetration and growth of this woke infiltration. Strides are being made against child mutilation, grooming, and the destruction of American history. However, that doesn’t do any good when the federal government, unbeknownst to most, funds programs that go directly against what people are fighting for in their communities.
Like the people of Troy, many Americans have been lulled into a false sense of security, underestimating the damage politicians can do in a matter of days.
This week the Senate, led by Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, passed a $1.7 trillion spending bill. According to McConnell, Republicans had two choices: support the military or don’t, which is his sinister way of papering over the dark progressive funding hidden within the bill. Aside from the economic impact of the spending, 4,000 pages of earmarks within the bill fund the ideologies Americans have rejected for decades.
The growing national debt, rising inflation, and the economic repercussions of this bill are nothing compared to the attacks on the American way of life hidden between the pages. Americans have proven, generation after generation, their ability to survive and grow through economic hardships. However, we have not protected the American way of life with the same strength because “it could never happen to us.”
From allowing ideologues to remove the flag and Pledge of Allegiance in schools to supporting the unconstitutional radical laws of the land, Americans do not have the same tenacity and grit in protecting our culture and heritage as they do their bank accounts. That is a weakness. We have allowed year by year, inch by inch, progressives to take little pieces of America away under the guise of fairness, equality, and political correctness.
The democratic foundation of this country has been our best line of defense against Marxists, using the power of our vote and relying on those who represent us in Washington. From the time we’re old enough to read, we’re promised that in America, the people choose who and what happens through votes.
However, representatives have disregarded American God-given rights and have worked hard to make the priorities of the American people irrelevant. Our votes have become pieces of paper sent into the abyss only to elect a politician who gets to Washington and disregards everything they promised. In Washington, there is no loyalty to the American foundation, no allegiance to American citizens, and most importantly, no loyalty to the American dream.
Filled with the modern equivalent of Greek soldiers, the spending bill is being wheeled into the American household through the front door, pretending to help defend our nation. To ensure the passage of this Trojan horse, the architects gave elected officials only four days to review the spending bill before voting. In line with the Greeks, Senate leadership wants lawmakers to know the least about the spending as possible.
This omnibus spending bill distributes billions of American tax dollars to anti-American programs and is the most progressive spending bill in American history. As the dollars secretly flow into some of America’s most radical organizations, neighborhoods will be infiltrated to destroy democracy and American heritage.
The gates have been opened, the bill has passed, and the destruction will begin shortly. By the grace of God, there is one gift America has that the Trojans did not have – Americans know it’s here. Had the people of Troy been aware of what was in the horse, they could have destroyed it and those in it to save their society.
Americans can destroy the spending bill before Greek soldier-like Marxists start sneaking out and killing our heritage, raping our culture, and enslaving our children.
Initiatives such as trans education for children, population control measures if harmful to plant life, and anti-police organizations are all receiving millions. One scariest includes $750,000 towards a Los Angeles trans group with a history of misusing grant funding and assisting young immigrants in obtaining gender reassignment surgeries.
Headlines read, “shut down looms ahead” and “senators are working hard to avoid a military shutdown.” In actuality, a shutdown is nothing more than closing offices similar to weekends, and everyone is still being paid. In Ancient Greek, those headlines translate to, “don’t worry, we will fix it fast, and here’s a beautiful wooden horse as a gift.”
Confidence, security, and the desire to give people the benefit of the doubt are what destroyed the entire civilization of Troy. America is on track for that very fate, which has been shot into hyperdrive with the passage of the Omnibus spending bill. It is a dark, scary, yet real thought.
Since the beginning of time, fallen civilizations have had one thing in common: they all let their guard down.
The question is, will we learn from the lessons of history or allow the beautiful horse of “equality,” “political correctness,” and “fairness” to destroy us from the inside out?