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Convention of States!


The Last Statue of Our History

Published in Blog on September 01, 2021 by Charles Childers

General Jubilation T. Cornpone

In my recent travels around the US, I was shocked, dismayed, saddened and otherwise just pissed-off that so many of America’s statues of great heroes have been desecrated, destroyed, or placed into hiding.

A pitiful, “wokeful”, minority has bullied local cities, towns, and communities into erasing, ignoring, and burying our history. Our history defines us. We must not erase who we are. We must know where we come from and where we must go into the future. After all, if we ignore our past, we will inevitably relive it.

Pilgrimage to Dogpatch

A major stop on my travels was to the town of Dogpatch. I have been measurably impacted by that solid and impressive historical figure, General Jubilation T. Cornpone. A national hero, immortalized in song and in the funny papers. Lyrics to a song about Cornpone sum up his importance in local history:

With our ammunition gone and faced with utter defeat,
Who was it that burned the crops and left us nothing to eat?
Why it was Jubilation T. Cornpone;
Old “September Morn – pone.”
Jubilation T. Cornpone, the pants blown off his seat!

Who became so famous with a reputation so great,
That he ran for president and didn’t carry a state?
Why it was Jubilation T. Cornpone;
Old “Wouldn’t be sworn – pone.”
Jubilation T. Cornpone, he made the country wait!

Finding the general’s statue standing and clean and apparently untouched by the current cancel culture, I asked a local constable how it was this “belle epoque memorabilia” had escaped harm.

Twelve-gauge Vasectomy, Twice

“Well, “he said, “we had a busload of them BLM and Antifa folks stop in the middle town. They got off the bus with every intention of harming the memory of that great general. Bobby Joe (over there) met ‘em with his double-barreled shotgun. ‘Take another step towards that statue and I’ll give you a 12-gauge vasectomy, twice!’ Bobby Joe said.”

“Them not-so-brave-boys skedaddled back on to that bus quicker than a New York minute. They drove off so fast it took two days for the dust to settle,” added the constable. 

In the overall scheme of things, one surviving statue isn’t so much. There is a sea of cancel culture drowning us as a nation. As they destroy the tangible manifestations of our history, they destroy our memory, our culture, and ourselves.

The cancel culture mob and its supporters in Washington DC and our State Capital willfully and with malice aforethought are out to destroy this country and all those things which have combined to make our country the greatest place on this planet. This will not abide. 

Only You Can Fix It

Power must be returned to the people. Obviously, the entrenched bureaucrats, the politically elected elites, and those who espouse destruction of our country will never gently and justly relinquish their power. The only way to get it back is to change the way things are. The changes we need are the goals and destination of the Convention of States. The way we get there is through the pathway set out in Article V of the US Constitution.

Only people with the courage of their convictions and the willingness to make things right and better can make this happen. Are you one of those people? Are you fed-up with the way things are in Washington DC and Sacramento? Do you want and need to do “something”? If you are, join us. Sign the petition for the California Legislature to force California into supporting the Convention of States. If you are able to do more, volunteer to help. There are many ways volunteers can help.  Go to the website and sign up today. We need your support and determination.

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