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Convention of States!


The Fight Between Good and Evil

Published in Blog on September 21, 2021 by Jeffrey W Brown

There is good and evil in all of us.

A core concern accompanies this: How can we bring out the good and suppress the evil? How we express ourselves depends on how we were raised. The moral attitudes our parents teach us, our early experiences in school, our religious beliefs, the people with which we associate, and our desire for money and power all have an influence on whether we are good or evil.

If we have a Judeo-Christian upbringing and believe in the Ten Commandments, then good can overcome the evil. If we have no religion and are taught Critical Race Theory in its place, if we associate with the “wrong” crowd, or have an overwhelming desire for money and power, then we tend to come down on the evil side.

There is always tension between good and evil. Fortunately, most of us come down on the “good” side of the ledger. We do what is “right” wherever we can. 

When inventing the Constitution and creating a new nation, the Founding Fathers were extremely cognizant and wary of this tension. No one could predict exactly how future leaders of our nation might corrupt themselves. Consequently, our founders created protective mechanisms to minimize the evil influences that could occur.

That is why we do not have a monarchy. It is too easy for a single person to fall on the side of evil. The result was a constitution with checks and balances. No one single person or small group of people could hold sway over our nation.

There is a saying that "the road to hell is paved with government interventions." That is not to say that all government is bad, but it is to say we need to constantly watch government to make sure it stays on track. When it goes off the tracks, We the People must put it back. If we shirk this duty, then we surely deserve the fate we get.

Socialism makes all kinds of wonderful promises. The problem is socialism cannot deliver on those promises, and they are evil once you examine them closely. Many countries have tried socialism and all have failed. Of course, they promise this time it will be different.

Margaret Thatcher said something to the effect that: “Socialism is a wonderful idea, until you run out of other people’s money.” Do we not hear about the atrocities the Chinese Communist Party imposes on various minorities in their country? Do we not think it could happen here? The people who back Black Lives Matter and other socialist groups have only one goal: power and money.

For those on the front lines, they are being used to attain the goals of a small minority of elites who crave power. Power is an aphrodisiac. The insane desire for money foments a greed for more money. Do you think Stalin, Hitler, Chavez, and Mao Zedong wanted to help their people? Could it be that they craved power more?

Enter Convention of States. Due to Article V in the Constitution, we can fix and limit the current overreach of our government. The Founding Fathers, in their wisdom, prepared us for this era of corrupt government. They gave us the tool in Article V.

It is now up to the American people to call for a Convention of States. We must propose amendments to the Constitution which will provide term limits, require a balanced budget, and provide other limitations to government actions the American people see fit to impose.

Concerned about a runaway convention? Assume we get a screwball proposal. Three-fourths of the states must approve of the proposal before it becomes a bonafide amendment to the Constitution. There are still sane people in this country willing to fight. 

Good or evil? Which side do you choose?

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