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The Discovery of a Secret Weapon for Strengthening Your Team

Published in Blog on October 15, 2018 by Kimberly Hogan

Over the course of this past weekend, I learned something that I never knew before. I discovered a secret weapon.

Influential people such as Ginny Rapini, Mike Ruthenberg, and Mark Meckler, know about and have used this secret weapon, known to by some all throughout the course of time.

True it has changed over the centuries in it’s shape and form, but don’t let that fool you. It is just as powerful today as it was during the days of Jesus. Next, to the power of love, it holds the most potent bonding, and unifying elements known to man.

What is this amazing weapon you ask? It is your kitchen table.

Now, you are probably looking at your kitchen table with a puzzled look of confusion. You probably even are tempted to disregard the seriousness of this article. You would only be losing out on learning a secret you never knew to be true anyway if you do so.

California held one of two state strategy meetings over the weekend here in my home in Northern California. We split our strategy meeting to provide a means of having as many team members as possible have the opportunity to participate in the formulation and planning of activities for the 2019 Legislative session.

The meeting consisted of four members of our state leadership team, Ginny Rapini, and myself, all gathered around my kitchen table. We discussed California and what it means to be a leader.

Thanks to my kitchen table, formalities and structures were broken down just enough to provide for a more personable gathering such as of friends or neighbors, without losing the focus, intent, and purpose of the meeting. 

Ginny shared with us the lessons and values of the content covered in the book titled Servant Leadership by David Kuhnert. I listened and watched as each of the team asked questions of value as well as those of musings. Each person discovered something different and meaningful from the course of our discussion with Mrs. Rapini.

After Ginny had excused herself after lunch, we continued with the principles of self governance that are outlined in Servant Leadership. They were the basis for the outline of the strategy that was presented, prompting a greater understanding of where we are as a team and what is necessary for us to move forward with our intended destination for the 2019 session.

The one thing that all in attendance found to be a vital component of the success of this meeting was the setting. Each one commented on how glad they were to have come and participated, thanks to the tone that was set here.

There is no denying the unify force and strengthening of bond that was created. All thanks to the power contained in the most effective and misunderstood weapon in all of our homes.

If we could only have all of our meetings be at the kitchen table, what an amazing boost in motivation we would see.

Never underestimate the powers that rest in your kitchen table.

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