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The D.C. Gang and its hijacking of American government

Published in Uncategorized on March 01, 2019 by Gary Wesley Smith

Citizens should be well aware and equally outraged over either never-ending government dithering or irresponsible spending. 

What is the trajectory that big government has taken that illustrate its operating goals? In a world of anti-bullying and safe spaces, two government-driven events stand out. Their negatives, similarities, and destructiveness are striking when held up against actions of merit our elected officials should be providing.

At the end of the 20th Century, Bill Clinton was impeached. The peccadilloes and pornography of his white house playground were published by Congress.   

Accused of eleven issues involving perjury, obstruction of justice, witness-tampering, and abuse of power, impeachment centered on just two: (a) lying under oath to a federal grand jury; and, (b) obstructing justice. 

As one party pushed impeachment, the other party began tit-for-tat peccadilloes leaks on Congress members Hyde, Chenowith, Burton, and Livingston. Representative Livingston responsibly resigned, suggesting President Clinton should also be so honorable, but he declined. Washington, D.C., was shocked at the moral code Representative Livingston suggested, and the downward slide continued.  

In the 21st Century, peccadilloes and pornography have played out in the Congress while obstruction allegations swirl around the 45th President. Different day, but fundamentally the same old tactics. 

These beg the question: what did we send these elected officials to Washington, D.C., to do? In town halls they declare an intention “to govern” and claim their election a “great opportunity” to serve. 

Serve who? It would appear it's self-service, first to retain personal power, followed by party power, and very little about the constituency needs like security or economic stability. 

What did they undertake a governance office to do?

  • Are they creating laws “wholesome and necessary for the public good”? 
  • Are they passing laws of ”immediate and pressing importance” to citizens, or “utterly neglecting” to do so? 
  • Are they utilizing junkets for convenience meetings in places “distant from the depository of their public record”? 
  • Is the “State remaining in the mean time exposed to all dangers of invasions from without, and convulsions within?”
  • Have they shopped for and made judges dependent on ”their “will alone”?
  • Have they “erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass” the people?
  • Have they erected walls against the proper and swift approval of appointed officials?

The above questions from the Declaration of Independence suggest today’s governance has regressed to the conditions the Founders faced. It is not a government of accomplishment. It is a government which fights like children on a playground. 

It is not a government interested in the people. It is a government which selects sides and then fights for possession of the ball. It is not a government where moral and ethical choices are the propelling values. It is the D.C. Gang, whose only interest is their turf.

Are you tired of this governance charade? Only through an Article V Convention of States can the federal government size and scope become reduced, over-regulation be limited, professional politicians restrained, and usurped state powers be returned.

Would California be experiencing the loss of 13,000 businesses like Nestle, Carl’s, Jacobs Engineering, Toyota, Jamba Juice, and others if it operated under the Constitution’s 10th Amendment?

Would California be experiencing the loss of at least 275,000 jobs for its citizens if it operated a fiscally responsible government?

Only through citizen engagement, purposeful awareness, and dedication to freedom’s cause can the Article V process act to return the Constitution as the basis of governance.

Join the Convention of States. Know the truth. Freedom resides therein.

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