The federal government has a counting problem. They miscounted the number of Americans in the 2020 census, and they miscounted the number of vaccinated Americans.
Most recently, the Centers for Disease Control admitted this week that they miscounted the number of Americans who have died "from" COVID-19. According to the Daily Wire:
The Centers for Disease and Control updated its COVID-19 death statistics last week, revealing that the agency had included an additional 72, 277 deaths that should not have been counted as COVID-19 deaths.
The change impacted 26 states and all age groups. The CDC explained in a footnote that the overcount stemmed from a “coding logic error.”
With a total of about 969,000 deaths from COVID-19, the extra deaths compose about 7.5% of that number. 416 extra pediatric COVID-19 deaths also represent a significant revision from the initial data.
This is without question the most important number of the COVID pandemic, and yet it's been shrouded in secrecy. We still don't know how many Americans died "from" COVID as opposed to died "with" COVID, and the CDC is apparently not even confident in the numbers they have given us.
If the federal government can't count COVID deaths honestly, why do we believe they can control the healthcare system or run the economy? Time and again, they've shown themselves to be woefully incompetent at "running" the country. And yet, they continue their march towards greater and greater power.
There's only one solution to an incompetent all-powerful government. An Article V Convention of States can reduce federal power and force them back inside their constitutional box.
A Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to propose constitutional amendments. These amendments can build a permanent firewall against federal tyranny, and halt our descent into greater big-government control.
At this point, government incompetence is the true national emergency, and the best vaccine lies in Article V. Sign the petition below to get involved!