1 Corinthians 14:8: "If the bugle makes a garbled sound who will recognize the signal to show up for the battle?"
The lack of leadership in this country is very apparent. After “taking over” the White House, the Biden administration released a statement that the greatest existential threat to the U S was climate change.
That became the focus of our military along with training sessions promoting the radical LGBTQ agenda, the Marxist based Critical Race Theory and how to recognize Domestic Violent Extremists who, according to Homeland Security’s August 13th “Elevated Terrorists threat” update, are those who spread “disinformation about COVID” and those who promote “extremist theories of voter fraud” in the last election.
The latest example is the debacle in Afghanistan. The bumbling withdrawal began with the US military pull out from an Air Force base in Northern Afghanistan over night. Because the Afghan military was not notified of the pull out, by morning the Taliban was in control of the entire base and all the equipment left behind. (It was not supposed to be an emergency under cover of darkness retreat-no U S military personnel have even been killed in Afghanistan in the last 18 months.)
All week we have listened to a litany of excuses from Biden, State and Pentagon spokespersons culminating with 4 star General Milley stating that “we had no idea the Taliban would take over so fast”! (Which is not true as news of multiple intelligence sources warning of this happening surface.)
And what about the “upwards of 80,000” U S citizens and Afghans who worked with the coalition and other foreign nationals who are stationed there as contractors and missionaries? Shouldn’t they have been evacuated before the military?
Supposedly the U S has “negotiated a deal” with the Taliban terrorists that all US troops will stay inside of the Kabul airport if the Taliban will not attack it. The problem is, the Taliban controls all the check points into the airport and reports of them refusing entry of US citizens to the airport for evacuation and even beating them are coming out. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, when asked what our Military can do to get US citizens outside of the airport to safety, says “we don’t have the capability to go out and collect large numbers of people.” Meanwhile British and French troops are landing at the airport and being sent out to bring their citizens and Afghan allies in for evacuation!
Reports of Taliban going door to door and abducting “collaborators, Christians and young women” are widespread. The collaborators and Christians are being taken outside the cities, executed and being shoved into mass graves reminiscent of the Nazis. The young women are being forced into “marriages” as sex slaves. Reports of torture and rape are rampant as Taliban forces take control of the county.
The complete lack of international trust caused by the betrayal of the Afghan people by the U S has shaken the whole geopolitical landscape: China is sending warships and planes to the Taiwan strait announcing to the world that US retaliation is no longer a threat to their intended invasion of Taiwan. The British Parliament is shocked by what has transpired and is saying the basic structure of NATO which protects Europe from Russian aggression must be changed. We are seeing bolder and more aggressive acts by Iranian backed Hezbollah and Hamas against Israel and by Iran itself. The peace and stability in the Mid East as established by the Trump “Abraham Accords” are fast deteriorating as the Biden administration refuses to even call the treaties by their names.
Experts are warning of a major resurgence of terrorist attacks around the world as jihadists flood into Afghanistan for military training and armament using the billons of dollars worth of weaponry and military equipment we left behind so they can fight their “holy war.”
Retired General Boykin commander of the famed “Delta force” tells American Family News “the failed withdrawal in Afghanistan comes from lack of planning, ignoring intelligence reports, and abandoning territory.”
All of that, he says, is almost criminal.
“If they don't get all these Americans out, the President and everybody in the administration need to resign,” he says. “This is a scandalous, disgusting thing that we are in right now.”
All of this on on top of stolen elections, a wide open southern border, inflation rates that haven’t been seen in over 30 years, and the government shutting churches and business. The list goes on and on of how the left is intentionally trying to undermine and ultimately destroy our Republic.
How much longer will we just sit back and complain about it? It is time for a “clear battle call” from Christian conservative leaders and pastors across the nation. We are supposed to be “salt and light”, the example to the rest of the world of how to live responsibly with the freedom we have in Christ.
How can we expect the national revival that scripture demands for God to “hear from heaven and heal our land” (2 Chronicles 7:14) unless it begins with us?
For more on what’s happening in Afghanistan-Listen to this Fox News interview with Mark Levin
Note: despite what mainstream news media pundits are saying, the last 20 years of occupation in Afghanistan have not been in vain. That country is now listed as having one of the fastest growing Christian communities in the world.
Mission accomplished!
Thank you, men and women who served there, and thank God for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice!