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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


State Fair a success thanks to volunteers

Published in Blog on September 05, 2018 by Steven D Johnson

Mary Mladovich, Nebraska Grassroots Coordinator provided us with a State Fair wrap-up today. Mary had the pleasure of presenting an amazing basket of goodies, contributed by Margo Chenoweth-Pospisil, to a winner who ran a booth just across from us.

Mary provided a running commentary on the activity and photos provided for our blog.

Our friendships were very valuable as we learned about their mission while teaching them about ours. We shopped (Yes, I overdid it!) but those commercial vendors remembered us, and several came over and signed our petition. One vendor that I mentioned in last week’s email gave us 20 minutes on his weekly radio blog. Please go back and check out that email if you missed it.

Hard laboring volunteers have been giving their time and energy to bring Freedom back to America where it belongs. Ernie Sears,  our State Information Analyst, committed all 11 days to be at the COS booth at the Nebraska State Fair. Joe Stephans has been right there beside him much of that time and driving back to Bellevue to take care of responsibilities at home. These guys are exhausted but elated at the great conversations, listening for new questions, hearing some of the old negative rhetoric, and enjoying strangers who know what this is all about.

Our presence was very important to our mission as we were neighbors to other booths for 11 days. Tara Giger went throughout the 4H Building visiting with each booth and brought back 17 signatures. Thank You Tara! Now we really need you to go out there to your friends, neighbors, and family.! We need 213 signatures in September. Remember, this is how we let our legislators know how important COS is. It’s not just a goal, it’s a Mission to Build a Strong, Engaged Army of Self-Governing Activist. Please set for yourself a personal goal and work it each week during this month.

Margo is looking for people to walk or ride with her on September 22nd in the Lion’s Club Parade. She is looking for walkers, riders, or someone to drive a truck. Margo goes all out at these events to promote COS. This will be during Octoberfest in Norfolk. Please reach out to Margo if you can go and support her. 

Please remember, if you need assistance with projects, meetings, letters to the editor, or material you can reach out to the SCC team here.


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