Star Trek provided a positive view of what mankind could accomplish.
In 1776 citizens created a document providing a positive view of what mankind could accomplish.
Under a Creator, God, men set a template for justice and eternal freedom, facing the evil and tyrannies of the past to strive for and enable a better world.
“A place no nation had ever gone before.”
How far we have fallen from Star Trek's vision and freedom? And for what, toys, amoral behavior, self-serving gratification, war, slavery, intemperance, sex trafficking, opium, impurity, opioids and gambling?
Set in the 23rd Century, Star Trek modeled the many distorted worlds which exist on Earth today.
These worlds included our decline of community, self-imposed isolation, unreliable media, selfishness, and insularity manifesting itself in consumerism.
Consumerism, greed for money and goods is displayed with a fixation on the “newest release.”
These interstellar civilizations, as well as Earth, lacked interpersonal relationships composed of shared values in behavior, tolerance, compassion, and respect.
Star Trek’s leadership was stellar. Captain Kirk acted as the honest, faithful, courageous, fair-minded, ethical and moral manager of his crew. His crew honored and revered his personal leadership.
Star Trek’s most noted character is Spock. His "trek” was to discover that although science and logic may uncover truth, it's relationships with others that life’s purpose is found and enjoyed.
It was Spock’s respect and discovery of relationships that drew many alien worlds into interstellar relationships.
Spock’s discovery created the united federation of planets with each world retaining its own revered culture, character, independence, and mutual respect.
Star Trek exposes the problem with humanist utopianism, which brings only the desperation and despair from loss of interpersonal relationship between ourselves and others.
Star Trek managed to bring an alien idea to the Federation, the collective body planets including Earth, and their interstellar contacts, which is that effective relationships, compassion and individualism is what matters.
All the lust and lure, glitter and glam, war and pillage, evil and good were on display in Star Trek’s stories. Just like Star Trek, our Founding Fathers and all of us today face the same human struggle.
Like Star Trek this nation’s Founding Fathers understood the concept of effective relationships, concern, compassion, respect, and individualism.
The Declaration Of Independence stated it. The Constitution and its Bill of Rights made it achievable. Today, globalism, sometimes known as “the Agenda Of 2030,” is posturing a Utopian world that cannot accomplish what it promises.
At its basis, it is predominately about power, greed and money. This Globalist Utopia operates from a central planning and tyrannical platform.
There is no Star Trek leadership coming from current California politicians. There is no Star Trek leadership coming from Congress or the judiciary. Outlawed behavior by cities, states, and federal employees isn’t responsible governance.
Two-tier justice systems are unforgivable.
Star Trek audiences could see that societies without reverence for the principles of our Declaration of Independence were habitable but had little recourse.
Today's Americans, however, can find the solution for out-of-control government in Article V of the Constitution. When 34 of 50 states pass the Convention of States resolution, commissioners from all 50 states will meet to discuss and vote on amendments to limit the scope, power, and jurisdiction of the federal government.
The delegates may also propose an amendment to limit the terms of office for federal officials. Find out more on the Convention of States website.