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Convention of States!

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Proposition 215 vote proves Californians are ready to Stand up, Show Up, Speak Up

Published in Blog on January 17, 2018 by Kimberly Hogan

Our Constitution is very clear. The federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the United States Constitution. All remaining powers are reserved for the states or the people.

Unfortunately, due to ever-increasing overreach of power by the federal government, this is no longer the case. As a result, the vote of the citizens of sovereign states is beginning to mean nothing, and unelected bureaucrats are dictating the rules.

As a student of Herbology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedism, and Native American Herbology, I can attest to the value and benefits of marijuana and other natural remedies. There are countless herbs and plants that have medicinal value and have come under attack by the FDA.

Practitioners of alternative medicine have seen an ever-increasing encroachment by the FDA to call for the illegitimacy of the natural values and benefits of herbs and plants. They claim that pharmecutical medicine is the only way to treat any illness or condition, despite the fact that 98% of the pharmaceutical drugs are derived from the benefits found in herbs and plants. 

Californians who passed Proposition 215 know that they can find relief with the countless benefits that are found in marijuana.

It’s time to stand up, show up, and speak up for the right of the people and states to decide for themselves. Infringing on your right to make your own health care choices is just one way the feds have overstepped their authority.

An Article V Convention Of States is the solution as big as the problem.

Californians have already voted for what they believe to be true. Who decides? California decides!

Join us on the West Side Steps of the Capitol Building on January 29, 2018 at 9:00 am – 1:00 pm to help us tell our legislators that the time is now for California to join the 12 other states calling for an Article V Convention Of States to rein in the scope and power of the federal government.

Your voice has more power then you realize. The time is now to use it. We’ll see you there!  

If you would like to volunteer for this event, please contact COS California’s State Director at


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