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Convention of States!


South Dakota Primary is Almost Here

Published in Blog on May 23, 2024 by Laura Neimeister

The South Dakota state primary is June 4.

As a Convention of States supporter in South Dakota you appreciate limited government and fiscal responsibility at the federal level, but it is just as important to elect the right candidates at the local level.

The work we do locally can make a difference on a national level.

We all need to be connecting with the candidates that are running for office:

  • State Legislature
  • County Commission
  • Precinct Committee
  • School Board
  • City Council

This is the first step in taking back the power of the federal government and bringing it back to We the People.

To find SD election details, find your district and your polling place:

Educate yourself on the candidates so you can vote your values.

To find your local candidates CLICK HERE for a candidate list.

Support the candidates that reflect your values.

  • Ask the candidates how they stand on issues that are important to you
  • Find and support them on social media
  • Get involved with their campaign as their constituent
  • Attend meet and greets and other events to get to know them
  • Be kind and supportive–campaigning is hard and exhausting work


It is the responsibility of "We the People" to be active in local government. Invite a friend or a few to join you.

Together we are making a difference.


Click here to get involved!
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