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Simulation kicks off in Virginia with over 100 commissioners in attendance

Published in Blog on August 02, 2023 by Brianna Kraemer

Over 100 commissioners from 49 states arrived in Williamsburg, Virginia on Wednesday for the start of the Simulated Article V Convention.

As commissioners arrived on site, the excitement and energy intensified. Several legislators stopped by to share their thoughts on participating in the historic event. Montana state Sen. Tom McGillvray commented on the Article V solution, saying this is the most important work we can be doing in the United States

Convention of States Foundation's constitutional attorney, Rita Peters, explained one of the most significant goals of the event, to demonstrate this historical process before an official convention is called in the coming years. She said it's intended to show modern-day Americans that this Article V process, which the Founders intended the states to use as a check and balance on federal power, holds incredible promise to actually impose the meaningful, substantive reforms on the federal government that we so desperately need.

"This is the key to re-balancing power between Washington, DC, and the states, and we're ready to show America how it works," Peters declared (pictured on right). "It is absolutely thrilling to be part of an effort to dust off a diplomatic process which was so well-known to our Founding Fathers but has now been long neglected by the states."

Peters is one of many who helped organize the simulation, and she said it's been one of the major highlights of her career as a constitutional attorney.

In the coming hours, commissioners will gather as the event begins, and tomorrow will bring tremendous work and debate as the three committees break off to propose and debate amendment ideas. This educational demonstration will allow commissioners to practice the process, and ultimately be ready for the nation’s first-ever Article V state convention.

Commissioner Coins, as seen below, will be distributed to the hardworking representatives who took the time to participate in the Article V dry run. To watch Friday's live stream, click here

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