Mark Meckler, president and founder of Convention of States made a huge announcement! You may remember that Convention of States Foundation hosted a simulated Convention in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia back in the summer of 2023. Legislators from across the nation gathered at historic Colonial Williamsburg to propose, debate, and pass amendments proving beyond a doubt that the Article V process works.
As Mark said, there was one problem…grassroots volunteers couldn't participate.
For the first time, grassroots leaders will have the opportunity to get in the driver’s seat and experience what it's like to be a commissioner at a convention. Each State COS Team will nominate two commissioners (representatives) to represent their state.
Commissioners will receive hands-on training from legal experts such as Michael Farris, Robert Kelly, Rita Peters, and more to better equip them with the rules and process governing state legislatures and the Article V process. Just like at a real convention of the states, commissioners will then propose, debate, and pass amendments that will mold America’s future.
Commissioners will be responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses. However, each state must raise $1,500 per commissioner attending from the state by July 31, 2024. Convention of States Foundation can not meet the fundraising goal of $3,000 for our commissioner’s registration fee without the help of Maine supporters like you.
Would you consider making a generous donation of $25, $50, $100, or more to help sponsor your State’s commissioners?
By your generous donation, you'll enable Convention of States Foundation to win the fight against an out-of-control government and return power back to the sovereign citizens of Maine and the United States, while providing California state leaders with invaluable real-time knowledge and experience of the Article V process.