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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!



Article V is how the framers chose to defend the Constitution from an overreaching centralized government.

Published in Blog on November 02, 2022 by James O'Connor

The “Runaway Convention” lie, is not a “practical” impossibility - it is impossible, period.  History, precedent, and practice all prove it. <br/><br/>...because that is the whole purpose of the COSA petition - to allow statesmen of today's era debate the proper role of government in the 21st century and beyond.

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Citizen Action Day Hits the Mark

Published in Blog on February 10, 2022 by Maria Moungelis Bedard

"A convention of states will give people hope to come together from all walks of life on a common purpose to redefine the proper role of state and federal government." Senator Justin Ready, District 5.

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Looking for Statesmen of Honor and Integrity

Published in Blog on March 19, 2023 by Paul Phillips

Our founders knew where to find true statesmen of honor and integrity. They are found in our state legislatures. After all, before they were called to draft our U.S. Constitution, the founders were state legislators themselves.

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Convention of states action

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