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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!



50 Patriots Who Would Have Signed the Petition: James & Dolly Madison

Published in Blog on July 26, 2021 by Maria Moungelis Bedard

Despite his shortness in stature, President Madison towered above many in his love of country and liberty. His wife, Dolly, matched his commitment to our newly founded nation.<br/>James Madison authored Article V. He would have absolutely supported a 21st century Convention of States and his wife Dolly would be proudly standing by his ...

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COS Simulated Convention Offers Border Solution

Published in Blog on February 08, 2024 by Stanley E Gilewicz

James Madison pondered what extent of federal government usurpation of States’ rights would trigger the States to band together in opposition. If Mr. Madison were alive today he might get an answer to his musings.

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Why the Founders Failed to Include Term Limits

Published in Blog on July 08, 2021 by William Wilson

Thomas Jefferson was apprehensive about abandoning the principle of rotation, fearing it would lead to abuses of power. In a December 20, 1787, letter to James Madison, Jefferson commented on his objections to the proposed 1787 Constitution.

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The clock is ticking

Published in Blog on February 04, 2021 by Tracy Schuster

“Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties or his possessions.” ―James Madison

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Convention of states action

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