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Convention of States!


Constitutional Attorney Responds to Convention of States Controversy

Published in Blog on October 03, 2022 by John Campbell

In case you missed it, Dr. Robert Malone recently reposted an article on his blog substack about the Article V Convention of States being promoted, inter alia, by our organization, Convention of States.

The article was written by an agent of the John Birch Society, which has notoriously spread disinformation about Article V of the Constitution regarding the Convention of States option provided for an Article V. 

Convention of states posted its response to the JBS disinfo, and JBS responded with more nonsense on its blog. I know this all seems unseemly and schoolyard-level back and forth, but the importance of this debate cannot be overstated. 

In the interest of fairness, Dr. Malone has now kindly (and bravely) provided, on his blog, a commentary on the issue by COS constitutional attorney Rita M. Peters. In a nutshell, her take on the Article V Convention of States option would be approved by George Mason and James Madison, who suggested the idea to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. It was adopted without debate – which should tell you something.

Convention of States provides Mrs. Peters' commentary here for your edification. 


Convention of States is here to stop government overreach, e.g. governments at all levels ignoring the Second Amendment and other constitutional guarantees of our God-given rights. Using the Article V procedure to bypass the DC swamp, we are on our way to collecting enough states to call a Convention of States to amend the Constitution and fix our broken nation.

We want to end multi-decade tenure of elected officials with term limits. We also aim to balance the budget, and end unconstitutional laws and regulations.

We’ll keep fighting for you until you join us, then we’ll fight together. 


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