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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!

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Save The Date - Monday, June 26th, 7:30-8:30 PM All Hands Q2 Webinar.

Published in Spread the Word Hottest Blog on June 06, 2023 by Jared Bill SD PA COSA

COSA PA Leadership gets asked all the time about where the process of adding Pennsylvania to the growing list of states calling for an Article V Convention to reign in the runaway congress stands.

You can stay in the loop and be informed as soon as developments happen!

Join our awesome team of volunteer activists, it is easy to do and doesn't require a financial or major time commitment on your part.

Just follow these two simple steps:

  • Create an account on our website if you have not done so already. Select the blue "sign in" button at the top right of the site and scroll down to click on "Don't have an account? Sign up Now." Or you can click this link to be taken there directly. You will receive and email from the system to confirm the email address you used to register; open the email and confirm it is your account.
  • Once your account is confirmed, stay logged in and sign the COS Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement as a member of the Pennsylvania Volunteer Team with access to proprietary information, this agreement must be on file.  After e-signing, BE SURE to click the "continue to review" button; go to the second page and press the button at the bottom to "Submit Signed Document."

Then save the date, Monday, June 26th, 7:30-8:30 PM, the PA State Leadership Team will hold a webinar to review our updated 2023 strategy.  This is a volunteer-only meeting, not open to the public.

During the webinar, we will review the Q1 goals and update everyone on our progress and what to prepare for as we move forward. Topics to be covered:

  • The latest PA metrics
  • Our ongoing Legislative, Grassroots, Training, Events, Coalitions, and Comms strategy for 2023
  • Goals for Q3 2023 and beyond
  • Opportunities to learn and get involved

Once the volunteer agreement is in place, register to reserve your spot; and become the self-governing activist that exercises the REAL POWER contained in our written constitution.


Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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