What does Russia invading Ukraine have to do with an Article V Convention of States?
It’s right there in the title, can you see it? Let me help you, here’s a question for clarification.
What do you suppose is the only truly verifiable reason Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded the Ukraine, regardless of western threats of sanctions and worse?
Maybe Putin invaded Ukraine because he wants to kill Neo-Nazis, or maybe eastern Ukraine asked Putin to protect them from western Ukraine, or maybe it’s because Putin wants to restore the Russian Empire of his Viking forebearers, or maybe just maybe, he did it to impress his girlfriend?
That’s a whole bunch of maybes. Can we ever really know for certain why he did it?
Yep, we can!
Here it is. Putin invaded Ukraine because he wanted to and was allowed to, that’s why! That fact is not debatable, he said it himself, according to Kremlin insiders.
Putin is a dictator and there are no safeguards in the Constitution of the Russian Federation to prevent him from doing anything he wants. So long as he’s reelected, he can be President (dictator).
He’s the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and has the power to dissolve the State Duma -- the equivalent of the U.S. House of Representatives and where all Russian laws must pass first.
So essentially, he’s President for life and the Russian government has no power that he doesn’t want them to have, because he controls the Duma.
Putin is without a doubt a dictator and that’s scary if you’re a citizen of the Russian Federation.
Why’s it scary? It’s scary because the average Russian, or even the richest Russian oligarch, can do nothing to stop him.
During his invasion of Ukraine, in Russia we’ve seen Putin shut down the free press, block access to certain internet sites, stop his people from protesting, and stage a huge fake rally in his support -- a charade where Russian citizens were forced to participate.
An American Putin, is it too late?
Let’s say Joe Biden or some future POTUS decided to do the same as Putin and become the first American dictator. Could we stop it?
Yes, we can, and I say the time to stop a future American dictator is right now!
Our Founder’s gave us a method to prevent any dictator from rising to power within the United States of America. And as it’s becoming more and more apparent every day, we must now act upon the gift they gave us, an Article V Convention of States (COS).
A COS that will craft and submit to the States for ratification Constitutional amendments that seeks broad limitations on federal power—specifically by.
- Imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government.
- Limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
- Imposing term limits on federal officials.
These three planks would serve to return us to the form of Federalism, a truly limited federal government, as was our Founder’s original intent.
Our federal overlords are out of control. They’ve usurped the power that belongs to We the People, and now they rule over us with the iron fist of federal enforcement, all the while enriching themselves.
Remember these recent gems of Executive branch overreach?
- Mask and vaccine mandates.
- Forced business closures.
- Reduced U.S. oil and natural gas production, and exportation.
- Fund international abortions by abolishing the Mexico City Policy on day one.
- Stopped enforcing our southern border and limit deportations.
- FBI investigates parents for speaking up about CRT at school board meetings.
- Justice Department shuts down the investigation of known Chinese spies.
- White House urges Big Tech to silence those they disagree with.
These are only eight of the many more examples our Executive branch federal masters are forcing upon us almost daily.
Do they look like the actions of a dictator? Be honest.
It’s not just the White House that needs to be reined in.
Did you know that Democrats sitting on the United States House Select Committee on January 6, have now admitted that the committee’s real and only purpose is to prevent President Donald Trump from running for POTUS in 2024?
Breaking News -- The Jan 6 Committee has now announced that they are planning to release a “compelling narrative,” read, a video propaganda in the form of a multi-media documentary, to prop up their fail to find any wrongdoing by Trump, and their failure to keep the public’s attention squarely fixed upon their nonsense. This ought to be exciting?!
Before you chastise me, yes, I believe Jan 6 was wrong. But so is using it for a power grab to influence an election -- 2022 and 2024 alike.
It’s almost too late!
Sounds like we’re closer than ever to a “Putin” type dictator in the White House. Joe, Kamala, and their minions prove it every day. Constitutional amendments setting term limits, requiring a balanced budget, and limiting federal power are necessary. A COS is required today!
The clock is ticking folks and if our freedoms are to survive, if we are to prevent the rise of Dictator Joe or another, then now is the time we must return to the strong form of federalism- federalism that was first gifted to us by our founders.
Agree or disagree with me, my email address is gary.everest@cosaction.com for more discussion
Please visit www.conventionofstates.com to sign the petition and learn how to volunteer your skill set to save our U.S. Constitution for ourselves and our posterity.