By Steve Jones, Regional Captain for COS Ohio Region 6
Team Ohio did a fantastic job at our recent HJR proponent hearing on February 6. Accolades from across the country have been pouring in for weeks with Mark Meckler, co-founder of Convention of States, personally congratulating the team on our brilliant success in inoculating the Government Oversight committee members in the Ohio House against the FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) contagion.
But after every resounding high comes the low/lull to follow. Elijah had just seen the mighty hand of God consume the altar and the water surrounding the altar. Hours later, he was in the pit of despair fearing the wrath of Queen Jezebel.
Let's face it; we were not designed to exist in a state of perpetual high. If you feel a sense of discouragement or despondency after experiencing our shared elation, don't be surprised because you will not be alone!
Having experienced this post-proponent testimony lull four times previously, I'd like to offer several suggestions which may restore your confidence in the supreme righteousness of our cause:
- Accept what you may be feeling as normal. Feelings of exaltation are normal and even to be expected after an amazing high. There is nothing wrong with you. You are not alone and you are an integral part of a much larger team of patriots.
- Do not watch the coming opposition testimony on an empty tank. The opposition testimony will infuriate you and lead to hateful thoughts which will further drag you down into the pit of despair. If you must watch it; be certain that your constitution is ready to handle watching it.
- Surround yourself with hopeful people. Watch COS National training calls for which you may not have made time for in the past. Our National leaders are less influenced by movements within each state. It is helpful to look at the broader perspective they can provide.
- Remember what motivated you to become involved with our COS mission. Your children, grandchildren, and country still need you. The long-standing issues of government overreach will not dissipate unless someone does something about it. You were right when you joined the cause. Individual soul liberty is worth our investment.
- Prepare your team for the interested parties hearing and continue working with other grassroots activists. This is the season where we are focusing on legislators and legislative activity - and rightly so. Remember, though, we are developing a grassroots powerhouse to shape the course of this nation for generations.
- Go for the easier wins in your municipalities. A small success in your district will breathe new life and hope in our future statewide and national success.
Watch the recording of the Feb. 6 COS Ohio testimony in favor of the Convention of States resolution HJR-3 in the Ohio House HERE.
Contact your Regional Captain to learn more about how you can initiate a COS victory your municipality.
For more information about our effort to rein in the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, set term limits for federal offices, and promote fiscal responsibility in Washington, D.C., please visit