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Convention of States!


People's Convoy 3K Race to Liberty

Published in Blog on March 04, 2022 by Will T. Zwart

Who could have predicted that the greatest resistance against the tyrannical mandates and freedom-suppressing globalists of today would stem from the world's truck drivers? Probably those who knew them, but not anyone else!
However, just like the Massachusetts legislators, who astonished everyone by sweeping the COSA resolution through committee, so too have these truck drivers surprised and emboldened the world with their courage in the face of tyranny. 
It all started in Canada. Dictatorial-hopeful Justin Trudeau had spent the last year imposing mandate after mandate and restricting freedom after freedom. Peaceful protestors were beaten in the streets, and school children were masked up and given vaccinations without parental consent. People went without food, power, and medical care. 
The straw that broke the camel's back was Trudeau's dictate that mandated all Canadian truckers to get the COVID-19 vaccine or lose their livelihoods. It wasn't so much the mandate itself that roused the truckers, as most of them were already vaccinated.

Just like America's founders, who didn't start a revolution over tea and stamps, but rather excessive tyranny, the Canadian truck drivers decided that, after a year of unchecked federal power, this was the hill to die on. 
We can see this truth in a quote that is attributed to Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf.


But the truckers noticed the erosion, and they resisted. So it was that in January of 2022, the truck drivers of Canada arose, blockading several border stations and refusing to haul supplies until the vaccine mandates were lifted. This "convoy heard round the world" fired off similar efforts in Europe, Israel, and here in America. 
On February 23rd, the American Freedom Convoy began the race to Washington D.C. from Adelanto, California. The official route can be found here

It is the truckers' intention to arrive and set up camp on the D.C. beltway in protest of the vaccine mandates passed down by the federal government, disrupting both the flow of traffic and supplies to the overreaching authoritarians. Such action will serve as a reminder to those in power that America runs on the backs of American citizens who fulfill their civic duty at work, at home, and in government. 
As of this writing, the main convoy - called the People's Convoy - is over 3,000 strong. There are at least six other convoys that will converge with them, and that number is growing by vast numbers as patriots from all over the nation join the fleet of freedom. 

People are fed up with the federal government's tyranny and are taking action! 

The truckers have received massive grassroots support, as Americans are providing them with free food, gasoline, and hearty welcomes wherever they go.

While the powers that be are not simply going to accept the non-compliance - as seen by Justin Trudeau's Fascistic treatment of the Canadian convoy - as long as patriots in every facet continue to resist and refuse to comply with the erosion of our freedoms, we will win the day! 
National “leaders” have read the tea leaves. They recognize that their experiment upon limiting our God given Constitutional rights and liberties is over. They’ve conveniently lifted mask mandates across the nation including on Capitol Hill where the State of the Union Address took place in a maskless House Chamber. But our fight against 21st century tyranny is not over (and it’s doubtful the ruling class has entirely given up on their experiment). 

The People's Convoy is expected to arrive in D.C. on Saturday, March 5. Their final overnight stop will be in Hagerstown, Maryland on March 4. We encourage all patriots and COS supporters to come to Hagerstown tomorrow, Friday and rally around these brave men and women as they defy the enemies of liberty!  
Stay up-to-date on The People's Convoy
Sign the petition to join Convention of States Maryland. 
As we await a vote in both Senate and House committees, please urge your legislators to support the COSA resolution, especially if they are on the House committee, or the Senate committee. 
If you wish to see Convention of States pass in Maryland, now is the time! 

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