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Parties in the Wilson Centre Cost American Taxpayers

Published in Blog on December 19, 2023 by Robert Bonhag

The Wilson Centre is a small "nonpartisan" foreign policy think tank based in Washington D.C. There are about 1800 think tanks similar to the Wilson Centre in the United States. There are 400 located in Washington, D.C. alone.

It is interesting to note that most of these non-profits raise funds, and do not count on US taxpayer funding.

Surprisingly, The Wilson Centre has received nearly $300 million in taxpayer money since 1976, and each year, Washington appropriates $14 million for the center. In fact, in FY21, Congress provided $6 million more than was requested.

One wonders what is so special about the center: does it spend money to teach the public about Wilson?

No, the fact is that public money is spent on salaries (and other expenses) and the fancy galas and lavish dinners for Washington bureaucrats, politicians, and Cabinet Secretaries.

The federal government wastes millions of tax dollars each year on events at organizations like these.

Stay tuned to our Blogs to know more about how your government is frittering away your money.

Source: Senator Rand Paul, The Festivus Report 2021

Tags: #mifederalfritters

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