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Convention of States: listening in a time of division

Published in Blog on January 17, 2018 by Betsy Sanz

Could 2018 be the year of breaking down barriers?

This week a new possibility for the nation’s return to constitutional self-governance made progress in none other than the Bay Area.

Each month Convention of States California reserves a table at the Liberty Forum of Silicon Valley in Mountain View, California. Tireless COS volunteer Deborah Reed (Regional Caption, for COS California) attends this monthly event to spread the word about passing the COS resolution in California.

On Tuesday night, Deborah had a conversation there that may reverberate far beyond California to impact our national effort, and therefore the nation’s future. 

Here’s what happened, in her own words.

Convention of States had a great night at our table at the Liberty Forum in Mountain View, CA last night! There were approximately 100 people in attendance, give or take a few. There were several other tables there, among them the NRA, Constitution Discussion Guide and IPS, Conservative Books, Judge Stevens Bailey for AG, American National Party, and the John Birch Society.

There were three of us from COS working the table. From the moment people were allowed in, our table had a steady stream of visitors. We had several who signed our petition, we talked with some who were familiar with COS already, a few who were hearing about us for the first time. Two were incensed that we dare disagree with the John Birch Society.

At last month’s meeting I decided to approach the JBS booth just to see what happened. I met a gentleman by the name of Paul. We spoke for quite a while and shared our standings on COS. In our discussion, I said some things he found interesting but contradicted what the JBS had told him.

By the end of the night, Paul actually requested that I bring him some COS informational pamphlets. I came this month with materials in hand.

He was ready for me and had brought reinforcements. But I was also ready for him and had come prepared with the facts. After sharing a few details about the COS resolution, what we consider the main problem with the government, and what our solution was to fix that problem, Paul had a couple of questions that I still hadn't answered for him.

I helped him to understand that, by restoring decision-making power back to the people, we would have an easier time forcing government officials to do their jobs. 

Paul also was under the impression we did not want smaller, more accountable government. He now knows the truth--that we want the same things. His next question was also mine: Why are we working against each other?

Paul left the event saying he was going to find out why he had been given incorrect and incomplete information. He asked me to plan on meeting with him again next month to discuss things further.

I left encouraged. Last month, I offered my COS card to Paul and he refused it, but this month he asked for my card and I gladly gave it. He asked if he could contact me with questions, and my answer was an emphatic, “YES! Please do!”

Big changes start with small moments. We should all take heart hearing Deborah's story. Engaging with people in a spirit of learning and understanding can break down barriers and shift opinions – even of those people, perhaps especially of those people, who seem to be utterly against our efforts.

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