The month of American Independence has brought with it a gift to Ohio patriots by way of the official filing of HJR-3, the much-anticipated COS resolution calling for an Article V Convention of States! Sponsored by Rep. Riordan McClain (HD-87) and Rep. Bernard Willis (HD-74), HJR-3 has drawn a total of an additional 21 co-sponsors from around the state. This is an impressive increase of 6 House supporters over HJR-1, our previous House resolution.
HJR-3 will remain active for the remainder of the 135th Ohio General Assembly which spans 2023-2024. A nearly identical resolution in the Ohio Senate should soon follow. If the COS resolutions are passed in both chambers this General Assembly, Ohio will aggregate with 19 other states calling for an Article V convention.
In a letter to her husband, Abigail Adams once reminded American Founding Father John of his own words:
“There are only two creatures of value on the face of the earth: those with the commitment, and those who require the commitment of others.”
With the introduction of HRJ-3 in Ohio, it has never been more clear that the COS Ohio grassroots must become wholly committed to propagating the message of an Article V convention among the citizens of our state and with our legislators. Passing these resolutions in Ohio will require us to become solid and determined stalwarts in the face of our opposition because our country requires a state convention now more than ever.
Final passage in Ohio will require the same focused commitment exhibited by John Adams and the small band of inspired patriots who forged the path for our independence. Their brand of commitment allowed them to remain focused on America’s objectives despite downturns, setbacks, the sovereignty of England, and the strongest military force on the planet. Next to these obstacles, our opposition seems negligible!
Today’s patriots understand that finding a safe and legal manner to limit the overreaching and anti-American Federal Government is imperative to liberty, and imperative to the stability and health of our nation. Our corrupt leadership in Washington, D.C. is not so different than the detached British authority imparted on the colonists in the 1700s that similarly offended fiscal responsibility, representation, and overreach.
Over 110,000 patriots have signed on in Ohio to declare the Federal Government out-of-control and to help fight this modern day revolution. Our grassroots army is their voice. They know as we do that the time is NOW for the states to invoke Article V of the US Constitution because doing nothing is far more dangerous.
With renewed energy we will persevere in our crusade to save liberty so our children’s children will feel the misty eyes of true patriotism, and not the uninspired hopelessness of socialism. It is time to rescue liberty and the American dream from the selfish grip of elite globalists looking to destroy our beautiful nation that until now has served as an anchor to the world economically and by way of exemplary, principled leadership.
Ohio now has a COS Resolution in the House! Let us activate a brand of momentum our state legislature and opposition have yet to see. Our commitment must inspire us to double down on our prayers and double down on our activity. To be victorious, COS Ohio must realize John Adams’ vision for creatures of value. We must affirm our own commitment, and we must require the commitment of others. We will educate the public, inspire our legislators, and participate again and again in letter-writing campaigns. It is time again to become a force in Ohio, propagating the miracle of what a Convention of States can accomplish.
For more information about the Convention of States movement, please visit: