Fred Yerrick has been involved in the leadership of the Convention of the States for over five years. He will explain the logic and reasoning behind the need for a separate path to amend the Constitution of the United States. The founders of this nation were prescient enough to foresee problems when the government became unresponsive to the populace and provided a path to bring the governing body back in line with the wishes of the majority while still affording the minority the protections guaranteed by this great document.
WHO: Fred Yerrick, Volunteer District Captain & US Army Retiree
WHAT: Convention of States - “A Solution…As Big As The Problem”
DATE: Tuesday, October 12, 2021
TIME: 11:30am til ??? Lunch From 12:00 to 12:30
WHERE: Bernardo Heights Country Club, 16066 Bernardo Heights Blvd, Rancho Bernardo
Fred Yerrick, Convention of States Volunteer Leader
In the hearts of Convention of States volunteers from Hawaii to Maine are carved impressions of the thoughtful leadership of Fred Yerrick, District Captain, San Diego, Calif. As a national leader for the Convention of States Project, Fred Yerrick contacts by telephone, new volunteers from every corner of the country. He encourages their involvement in something bigger and informs them to understand that through Article Five of the Constitution the people can restore limited government.
He served 24 years in the U.S. Army, performing duties in Signal Corp, Transportation and as Construction Engineer. He performed duties as Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Recruiter, Drill sergeant, First Sergeant and Command Sergeant Major.
Fred Yerrick is a college graduate and husband to his beloved wife Katherine whom he met in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Following retirement from the Army in 1989, Fred spent 10 years in the trucking industry until the Yerricks moved to San Diego, Calif. In 2007. There he started an auto detailing company in 2009, retiring in 2017
Fred volunteered with the Retired Senior Volunteer Police patrol of San Diego and American Cancer Society Discovery Shop in Rancho Bernardo.
Fred Yerrick became a full-time volunteer for the convention of States Project in December 2014. A relentless goal setter, family man and community contributor, he wants to bring everyone around him along for the journey and the prize.
The meeting opens at 11:30 at Bernardo Heights Country Club, 16066 Bernardo Heights Blvd, Rancho Bernardo, with lunch from 12:00 noon until 12:30. Cost is $35 for lunch and in-person with Fred Yerrick.
Registration prior to 9 October will ensure your meal choice and seating (sorry this post went out late but please call ahead anyway to make arrangements).
Registration can be done by phone to Blair Lawson at 858-217-6996 or email