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Here's why North Carolina needs to join Convention of States

Published in Blog on January 09, 2018 by Richard Manzer

The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are based on the fundamental rights of all Americans. They created and constrained the federal government to preserve our liberty and our ability to self-govern.

The federal government was granted only limited power. All other power was left to the states and the people. Each of the three branches of the federal government were given specific powers to maintain a balance and to prevent tyranny by any branch.  

However, these sacred documents seem to be breaking down. Some in the government have exploited their office and attempted to assume unlawful powers. These individuals have distorted the balance of power and caused oppression of the states and their citizens.

In some cases these individuals are motivated by a desire for personal or political gain. In others, it is the good intentions of people in government trying to solve problems with public solutions not supported by the Constitution.

Regardless of the reasons, it is a fact that federal spending and government control have gotten out of hand.

We in North Carolina recognize the problem and want it fixed. Fortunately, we know that the answer was given to us in Article V of the Constitution. The Convention of States movement is working to do the following three things:

  • impose fiscal restraints on the federal government,
  • limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government,
  • and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress.

Addressing these three things would go a long way toward correcting many of the problems in our federal government, including:

  • reducing America’s $20 trillion debt and $144 trillion unfunded liabilities.
  • removing unfair and arbitrary federal regulation.
  • and changing the perverse incentives in our election process that cause politicians to focus on maintaining their positions in office rather than the best interests of the country.

The North Carolina legislature nearly passed a Convention of States resolution during the 2017 session. State grassroots activists worked hard to ensure both chambers passed it, but in 2017 only the Senate crossed the finish line.

Fortunately, the House voted to reconsider the resolution in the next session. Now we must get back to work to ensure passage of the resolution in the 2018 session. It's very important for all North Carolinians to keep up the pressure.

There are many potential amendments that could be proposed by a convention. If ratified by three-fourths of the states, they might actually solve some of the country's problems.  Electing individuals who promise to do the right thing when they get into office certainly isn't working. 

In upcoming posts, we’ll talk about some of the possible amendments that could be debated and proposed by a Convention of States.

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