If you haven't already heard, the North Carolina House voted this week to pass the Convention of States Resolution! The team in the Tar Heel State has been working tirelessly towards this victory, and we wanted to give you an on-the-ground report.
The days leading up to vote on the House floor were chaotic (to say the least). The North Carolina team endured a series of events that would send them on an emotional roller coaster. The vote was scheduled and called off several times, but the volunteers met each obstacle with courage and conviction.
They had invested so much time, effort, money, and energy into a victory--they were ready to see a successful floor vote.
With recent wins in the House Judiciary committee and House Rules Committee, the team was on an emotional high. In fact, the team held an impressive show of force during the House Rules Committee with over 200 volunteers attending and wearing white COS shirts. It had an obvious impact on the legislators.
The days after the last vote would be a series of ups and downs. There was no easy vote and the team knew that the floor vote was going to be the closest yet. Securing the whip count was difficult at best: one legislator would commit to vote “Yes” and then another previously committed legislator would start waffling.
Without notice, the team was granted its wish. After seven years of hard work, the North Carolina House on Wednesday passed the resolution on the floor for the first time with a vote of 60 to 56.
This was a well-deserved victory. The amazing North Carolina volunteer team did everything in their power to secure success:
- They made over 5000 calls to constituents in just over two months
- They conducted rallies
- They went to legislator and party events
- They built the petition database by going to dozens of gun shows
- Thousands of emails and calls were sent by constituents to their representatives
Most of all, they built an engaged army of self-governing citizens that were active, dedicated, and willing to make a difference.
Of course, this success would not happen without the legislators. Speaker Tim Moore’s leadership was instrumental in securing last-minute votes. Representative Dennis Riddell, the lead sponsor, has worked for years on the COS Resolution, and we couldn't be more grateful for his faithfulness. Majority Leader John Bell provided the necessary caucus leadership to be successful and Majority Whip Jon Hardister was instrumental in verifying and securing the whip count.
The North Carolina team wants to thank these leaders in the House for their efforts and for their amazing display of patriotism. There are many other legislators that will be getting a lot of “love” from COS supports.
Next it is time to get it done in the Senate!