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NJ COSfest 2021– Inspiration and a Call to Action

Published in Blog on June 24, 2021 by Elisa Best

On June 19, 2021, I attended the New Jersey COSfest at the Bible Baptist Church in New Egypt, along with about 200 other Convention of States (COS) volunteers and their invitees. 

The event was advertised as a progress report on the state and an opportunity to hear from president and co-founder of Convention of States, Mark Meckler. Watch his shoutout here. It turned out to be much more than advertised. It grew into a discussion that inspired and a Call to Action.

First, we heard from a NJ panel of COS leaders. The panel was led by Chris Garzino, Coalitions Director, and included Jan Hagan, Tara Fleming, Eric Williamson, and Gary Brenner.

The panel discussion ranged across a variety of topics, including motivation for volunteering with COS, how the panelists guide and inspire their volunteers, and what self-governance means and why it is so vital. One of the overarching themes was getting involved and doing something, rather than just complaining.

Next, Mark Meckler gave an amazing and inspirational talk on why every one of us should join the fight for our freedom and liberty. His message was intertwined with the message of the NJ Leadership Panel, reinforcing their message and providing the encouragement all of us need to step up.

Mark told us the story of Levi Preston. Levi was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. In 1843, he was interviewed by a historian that asked him why he fought. Levi’s reply, “we had always governed ourselves and we always meant to." 

Levi’s answer is not in any history books, but it is at the foundation of COS principles.  

Self-governance is key to our freedom, defined as deciding for ourselves what happens in our individual lives. We need to understand and change what is happening locally before we can change what happens at higher levels of government. Motivated and active volunteers across the country are essential to success.   

Mark is not simply asking us to fight, but to sacrifice. This concept seems to have been lost in our present day. Invoking our forefathers and all those who fought for this country, Mark stressed that we have a duty to God and our children to fight for freedom and liberty.

As I listened to each speaker, I honed my perspective on the mission of COS and my duty to it. 

Our mission is to build a grassroots organization of educated volunteers. The District Captains are the leaders for their districts. They guide and motivate their volunteers to learn and grow. Education of volunteers is vital because it gives them confidence to spread the word and engage others.

While New Jersey can, at times, feel like a lost cause, we were told New Jersey is being held up as an example to other states discouraged by the fight. New Jersey people have tenacity and grit, a spirit many other people and States do not have. We must not lose site of this. Our strength and will shall carry us through these tough times.  

The event wrapped up with fellowship at a food truck. Attendees lingered for over an hour after the event to talk to volunteers and discuss what they had just heard.

The Convention of States team would like to thank all the volunteers who sacrificed their time, talents, and contributions to make this event a success.

Special thanks to Pastor Dominick Cuozzo and the Bible Baptist Church in New Egypt for being such gracious hosts.

It is time for us to decide: Do we stand up or do we stand by? In volunteering with COS, we stand.

I believe this fight is my duty. I am so proud to be part of this organization, so grateful to call this team of patriots my friends. For those of you reading this and wondering what you can do, please join us. You will never regret it.


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