Convention of States Action Idaho is hosting a town hall meeting in Moscow, Idaho for all patriots concerned about our out-of-control federal government. Idaho District 7 legislator, Mike Kingsley, will speak about his support for Convention of States.
The goal of Convention of States, as outlined in Article V, is to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution with the intent to reverse the usurpation of state and citizen rights by decades of federal overreach. Convention of States Action and Constitutional originalists understand that the Constitution was written with the intent to enforce the balance of power in favor of the states and citizens over the three federal branches.
Included in the meeting with Rep. Mike Kingsley will be an introduction presentation of Article V and the process to convene a state convention.
★ how Washington, DC is broken and has no intention to fix itself;
★ elections alone cannot fix the problem;
★ how the process works and the history of Article V;
★ and most importantly, how you can help and volunteer. (Representative government is immediate and local at the state level where a state convention becomes reality. Representation requires citizen participation at all levels; but it is weak and remotely felt by the federal legislature and the insulated, unelected career bureaucracy in Washington, DC.)
Date: Saturday, August 12, 2023
Time: 9:00 am to Noon
Where: Lecompte Auditorium, 1912 Center, 412 East Third Street, Moscow, Idaho
Don’t miss this chance to learn about how an Article V convention works and to ask questions. Attendance is free. Simply RSVP here.
If you, like many Americans, are concerned about the state of our federal government, stand with us to bring it back under control. Please join us on August 12 to learn how.