***BREAKING NEWS: Thank you to everyone who responded to the Call to Action below. Unfortunately, the Mississippi House adjourned early, ending the legislative season before HCR 78 was able to be heard on the floor. We appreciate all the volunteer hours that went into this effort. In the next year, we will continue to build grassroot supporters in the state and look forward to seeing a victory in the next legislative season!***
Today, Mississippi stands at a crossroad.
In the next five days, Mississippi’s legislature will adjourn for the year. Will your legislators fight to protect your constitutional rights and impose much needed restraints on our runaway federal government before session ends?
Right now, the answer is “no”.
HCR 78, your state’s application to call for a Convention of States to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution that would limit the power of the federal government, impose term limits on its officials, and establish fiscal restraints, has not been scheduled for a House floor vote.
Freedom is not for the faint of heart. Today, we must fight to defend our liberty.
If you're a citizen of Mississippi, please call and email the following members of the MS House of Representatives. Kindly remind them that this is an election year, and ask them to call for a floor vote and support HCR 78.
I encourage you to write your email in your own words, from your heart, kindly encouraging these legislators to support HCR 78 and call for a floor vote. Prioritize legislators listed in bold. Please BCC lfennig@cosaction.com. For inspiration, check out talking points for HCR 78 here.
Honorable Gene Alday | Walls | (601) 359-9488 | galday@house.ms.gov | District 025 |
Honorable Brian Aldridge | Tupelo | (601) 359-2420 | baldridge@house.ms.gov | District 017 |
Honorable William Arnold | Booneville | (601) 359-2438 | warnold@house.ms.gov | District 003 |
Honorable Mark Baker | Brandon | (601) 359-3388 | mbaker@house.ms.gov | District 074 |
Honorable Toby Barker | Hattiesburg | (601) 359-3362 | tbarker@house.ms.gov | District 102 |
Honorable Manly Barton | Moss Point | (601) 359-3354 | mbarton@house.ms.gov | District 109 |
Honorable Jim Beckett | Bruce | (601) 359-3335 | jbeckett@house.ms.gov | District 023 |
Honorable Donnie Bell | Fulton | (601) 359-3396 | dbell@house.ms.gov | District 021 |
Honorable Richard Bennett | Long Beach | (601) 359-2860 | rbennett@house.ms.gov | District 120 |
Honorable C. Scott Bounds | Philadelphia | (601) 359-3334 | sbounds@house.ms.gov | District 044 |
Honorable Randy Boyd | Mantachie | (601) 359-2435 | rboyd@house.ms.gov | District 019 |
Honorable Chris Brown | Aberdeen | (601) 359-2434 | crbrown@house.ms.gov | District 020 |
Honorable Charles Busby | Pascagoula | (601) 359-3373 | cbusby@house.ms.gov | District 111 |
Honorable Larry Byrd | Petal | (601) 359-3352 | lbyrd@house.ms.gov | District 104 |
Honorable Bubba Carpenter | Burnsville | (601) 359-2425 | lcarpenter@house.ms.gov | District 001 |
Honorable Gary Chism | Columbus | (601) 359-3364 | gchism@house.ms.gov | District 037 |
Honorable Carolyn Crawford | Pass Christian | (601) 359-2430 | ccrawford@house.ms.gov | District 121 |
Honorable Becky Currie | Brookhaven | (601) 359-5334 | bcurrie@house.ms.gov | District 092 |
Honorable Dennis DeBar | Leakesville | (601) 359-2436 | ddebar@house.ms.gov | District 105 |
Honorable Scott DeLano | Biloxi | (601) 359-3349 | sdelano@house.ms.gov | District 117 |
Honorable William Denny | Jackson | (601) 359-3369 | bdenny@house.ms.gov | District 064 |
Honorable Casey Eure | Biloxi | (601) 359-9466 | ceure@house.ms.gov | District 116 |
Honorable Mark Formby | Picayune | (601) 359-3359 | mformby@house.ms.gov | District 108 |
Honorable Herb Frierson | Poplarville | (601) 359-3340 | hfrierson@house.ms.gov | District 106 |
Honorable Andy Gipson | Braxton | (601) 359-1541 | agipson@house.ms.gov | District 077 |
Honorable Jeffrey Guice | Ocean Springs | (601) 359-2508 | jguice@house.ms.gov | District 114 |
Honorable Philip Gunn | Clinton | (601) 359-3300 | pgunn@house.ms.gov | District 056 |
Honorable E. Forrest Hamilton | Olive Branch | (601) 359-4075 | efhamilton@house.ms.gov | District 006 |
Honorable Gregory Haney | Gulfport | (601) 359-3338 | ghaney@house.ms.gov | District 118 |
Honorable Joey Hood | Ackerman | (601) 359-3339 | jhood@house.ms.gov | District 035 |
Honorable Stephen Horne | Meridian | (601) 359-2424 | shorne@house.ms.gov | District 081 |
Honorable Bobby Howell | Kilmichael | (601) 359-2428 | bhowell@house.ms.gov | District 046 |
Honorable Mac Huddleston | Pontotoc | (601) 359-3340 | mhuddleston@house.ms.gov | District 015 |
Honorable Wanda Jennings | Southaven | (601) 359-3327 | wjennings@house.ms.gov | District 007 |
Honorable Bill Kinkade | Byhalia | (601) 359-3360 | bkinkade@house.ms.gov | District 052 |
Honorable Timmy Ladner | Poplarville | (601) 359-2438 | tladner@house.ms.gov | District 093 |
Honorable John Lamar | Senatobia | (601) 359-2431 | jlamar@house.ms.gov | District 008 |
Honorable Hank Lott | Sumrall | (601) 359-2435 | hlott@house.ms.gov | District 101 |
Honorable Rita Martinson | Madison | (601) 359-3131 | rmartinson@house.ms.gov | District 058 |
Honorable Steve Massengill | Hickory Flat | (601) 359-3338 | smassengill@house.ms.gov | District 013 |
Honorable Brad Mayo | Oxford | (601) 359-2431 | bmayo@house.ms.gov | District 012 |
Honorable Doug McLeod | Lucedale | (601) 359-3311 | dmcleod@house.ms.gov | District 107 |
Honorable Nolan Mettetal | Sardis | (601) 359-3331 | nmettetal@house.ms.gov | District 010 |
Honorable Sam Mims | McComb | (601) 359-3320 | smims@house.ms.gov | District 097 |
Honorable Alex Monsour | Vicksburg | (601) 359-9382 | amonsour@house.ms.gov | District 054 |
Honorable John Moore | Brandon | (601) 359-3330 | jmoore@house.ms.gov | District 060 |
Honorable Ken Morgan | Morgantown | (601) 359-2426 | kmorgan@house.ms.gov | District 100 |
Honorable Pat Nelson | Southaven | (601) 359-3339 | pnelson@house.ms.gov | District 040 |
Honorable Randall Patterson | Biloxi | (601) 359-4074 | rhpatterson@house.ms.gov | District 115 |
Honorable Bill Pigott | Tylertown | (601) 359-5140 | bpigott@house.ms.gov | District 099 |
Honorable Brent Powell | Brandon | (601) 359-3360 | bpowell@house.ms.gov | District 059 |
Honorable John Read | Gautier | (601) 359-3366 | jread@house.ms.gov | District 112 |
Honorable Margaret Rogers | New Albany | (601) 359-9390 | mrogers@house.ms.gov | District 014 |
Honorable Ray Rogers | Pearl | (601) 359-3343 | rrogers@house.ms.gov | District 061 |
Honorable Randy Rushing | Decatur | (601) 359-2435 | rrushing@house.ms.gov | District 078 |
Honorable William Shirley | Quitman | (601) 359-2434 | wshirley@house.ms.gov | District 084 |
Honorable Bobby Shows | Ellisville | (601) 359-3337 | bshows@house.ms.gov | District 089 |
Honorable Jeffrey C. Smith | Columbus | (601) 359-3343 | jsmith@house.ms.gov | District 039 |
Honorable Gregory Snowden | Meridian | (601) 359-3304 | gsnowden@house.ms.gov | District 083 |
Honorable Gary Staples | Laurel | (601) 359-3017 | gstaples@house.ms.gov | District 088 |
Honorable Tommy Taylor | Boyle | (601) 359-3360 | ttaylor@house.ms.gov | District 028 |
Honorable Jerry Turner | Baldwyn | (601) 359-9473 | jturner@house.ms.gov | District 018 |
Honorable Thomas Weathersby | Florence | (601) 359-3336 | tweathersby@house.ms.gov | District 062 |
Honorable Jason White | West | (601) 359-2861 | jwhite@house.ms.gov | District 048 |
Honorable Patricia Willis | Diamondhead | (601) 359-3360 | pwillis@house.ms.gov | District 095 |
Honorable Hank Zuber | Ocean Springs | (601) 359-3328 | hzuber@house.ms.gov | District 113 |
To contact all State Representatives in one email, copy and paste the email block below into your BCC line:
galday@house.ms.gov, baldridge@house.ms.gov, warnold@house.ms.gov, mbaker@house.ms.gov, tbarker@house.ms.gov, mbarton@house.ms.gov, jbeckett@house.ms.gov, dbell@house.ms.gov, rbennett@house.ms.gov, sbounds@house.ms.gov, rboyd@house.ms.gov, crbrown@house.ms.gov, cbusby@house.ms.gov, lbyrd@house.ms.gov, lcarpenter@house.ms.gov, gchism@house.ms.gov, ccrawford@house.ms.gov, bcurrie@house.ms.gov, ddebar@house.ms.gov, sdelano@house.ms.gov, bdenny@house.ms.gov, ceure@house.ms.gov, mformby@house.ms.gov, hfrierson@house.ms.gov, agipson@house.ms.gov, jguice@house.ms.gov, pgunn@house.ms.gov, efhamilton@house.ms.gov, ghaney@house.ms.gov, jhood@house.ms.gov, shorne@house.ms.gov, bhowell@house.ms.gov, mhuddleston@house.ms.gov, wjennings@house.ms.gov, bkinkade@house.ms.gov, tladner@house.ms.gov, jlamar@house.ms.gov, hlott@house.ms.gov, rmartinson@house.ms.gov, smassengill@house.ms.gov, bmayo@house.ms.gov, dmcleod@house.ms.gov, nmettetal@house.ms.gov, smims@house.ms.gov, amonsour@house.ms.gov, jmoore@house.ms.gov, kmorgan@house.ms.gov, pnelson@house.ms.gov, rhpatterson@house.ms.gov, bpigott@house.ms.gov, bpowell@house.ms.gov, jread@house.ms.gov, mrogers@house.ms.gov, rrogers@house.ms.gov, rrushing@house.ms.gov, wshirley@house.ms.gov, bshows@house.ms.gov, jsmith@house.ms.gov, gsnowden@house.ms.gov, gstaples@house.ms.gov, ttaylor@house.ms.gov, jturner@house.ms.gov, tweathersby@house.ms.gov, jwhite@house.ms.gov, pwillis@house.ms.gov, hzuber@house.ms.gov
Thank-you for contacting your legislators in support of HCR 3014. In the words of John Quincy Adams, “Posterity — you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.”
I look forward to telling my grandchildren how our generation fought to preserve its most cherished possession: liberty.