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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Michigan News & Events - July 2024

Published in Blog on July 01, 2024 by Robin Riddell

We've launched a new series called "TimeOut With COS Moms." In this series, District Captain Kelly Oldford combines her experience as a mom and a lawyer to inform viewers with brief (8-minute) segments on the ins and outs of an Article V convention.

Watch the series HERE.

Give the kids a sandwich and a snack, then join TimeOut With COS Moms, which goes LIVE just after Noon on Facebook and YouTube.

July 10th
July 24th




Look for the COS team at these July events!

July 6            Monroe - Fresh Start Coffee House
July 11-13    Elsie Dairy Days
July 18-20    Ann Arbor Art Fair

For more information on our future events and activities, check out our calendar.



This is your chance to be heard!











Convention of States supporters agree that the Federal government is out of control and wants the power returned to the States.



Have you missed our LIVE broadcasts? Check it out!                                              






Is this how you want your tax dollars to be spent?

Feds Fund Research on Sea Lions Sending $1.7 Million to Russia

In this podcast, meet COS volunteer Robert Bonhag, the author of the Fed Fritters blogs as he talks about waste in government spending.



  America's Titans of Industry & Finance Speak Out



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Convention of states action

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